What a hand by Tillo De Cock !!!
Preflop action he makes the 150 call in EP
MP also makes the call and Geert Sluys on the button also calls the 150 big blind
Small blind completes and Yves Bormans on the button checks.


(pot 750)
SB bets out a minbt of 150
Yves folds and Tillo minrasies to 300
Geert 3-bets to 1075 which is called by the SB and Tillo also makes the call.

(pot 3975)
Tillo bets out 3600.
Geert pushes his remaining 5.1k
Small blind also pushes his remaining 5.5k
Tillo completes the allins

Tc for a made straight

for two pair

for the nut flush draw

means no help for both allin players and Tillo now has a total stack of about 33k.
We"re at the break now so we"ll be having exact chipcounts in a few minutes.
Next level after the break will be 100/200