Jan Ernsten and Remco Rodenburg are gone.
Jan was busted by Mathijs Jonkers so I heared which is possible since Mathijs is playing 113k now.
A few uncontested allin at that table:
Vicky Vandriessche raises to 2.5k being called by David Vanderheyden. Kris Thys shoves 13400 and both players fold.
Next hand it is Marco Simon who shoves at David"s preflop raise and he takes it down as well.
Last hand there I"ve seen Kim Collyns taking down a 26k pot:
Preflop raise by Aras Sabri in cutoff o 3.2k
Kim makes the call from the SB

Kim checks - Sabri bets 3500 - Kim calls

Kim checks - Sabri bets 8500 - Kim calls

and both players check
Kim shows KT
Sabri flopped two pair with J9 but was countered on the river.