Newcastle was a lot like the weather that weekend..... A horrendous experience....
As you already know the game started late so that kept me in a bit longer technically...
Met a few of the old faces, not as many as usual may I say but also met a few new ones... Mark Lassman, Tom Clarke and his mate whose names escapes me, Big Dekka, Izzy and a few others... Steve from LPPL and the bloke who won his seat on Thursday called Wibblewobble or something...
The game starts off fine... A few too many people involved in hands initially but as the table went on it looked like everybody at some point was getting a good hand beaten by a better one. That is before the river bandits started winning that is..
I lost a far bit of my chips early on with KK v AA... Can"t remember the flop but it paired anyway. The bet I did was called as I think he thought that I had trips. A raise was called on 4th but it was checked on the flop. He flipped AA reluctantly, thinking I was going to show the trips then he sighed when I folded face down.
I had a few small wins then won a nice pot off a bloke who was losing some close hands. This time I had a straight flush draw against as it turns out two pair. On 4th I had a high pair but raised 2K, was called and the Ace on the river gave me the flush. A 3K bet was called and he turned over saying, "You have the flush don"t you"
Then after that it went rapidly down hill...
We saw flushes beaten by Full houses. Two pairs beaten by Trips. Some strange calls with nothing but the river winning it for them then off I went. Flush beaten by a flopped Full House. The annoying thing is that the FH was with four in.
I had

and went 500 I think, a caller, then a raise to 1K then another to 2K....
I called the 2K then the other two folded.

. I was sort of happy. This is then were my brain doesn"t slowdown and think as it should.
He shoves, leaving me with All-in to call....
I sit and think for a minute or so, I said fold to myself several times but then called.
I know now it should of been an instant fold because of what happened. I also know that I will fold in the future.
The cards came over and he only had

I heard someone say "You raised with that" My thoughts exactly.... Again I shouldn"t of called really... OUT before the first break, disaster....
I didn"t hang around, said my goodbyes and within 40 minutes I was back on the road to Liverpool....
Sort of enjoyed it but nevermind....