Thanks to all those that have offered their congratulations on my selection as Scottish team Captain.
As I will be a
non-playing captain I feel I have increased Scotlands chances of winning this event in more than one way!!
With regard team selection I must point out that posting here is not a requirement of selection as not all members use the forum. I will
consider all posts/PM"s/emails etc. with nominations and information on potential players. I have also asked Des for some details to get me started and will be contacting some potential players over the following weeks.
The following points however are requirements
1. You must be Scottish (great grandfather once visiting long lost Auntie does not qualify, unlike the national rugby team

2. You must be willing to play in the spirit of APAT.
3. You must be willing to put the team before yourself if required.
4. You should know a little about playing poker (hopefully with a proven track record).
Performance in past APAT events and season 2 rankings will be taken into account but will not be the sole factor in the decision making process.