HAND 75Raise fold
HAND 76Raise fold - long night this way.
HAND 77Trifon naar 130k
Wouter called


Wouter checks
Trifon fires 220k
Wouter lets go.
HAND 78BLinds up to 40k - 8k A 10k
Will we reach 100 hands

Wouter calls 80k
Trifon raises him and Wouter folds
HAND 79Trifon to 160k
Wouter calls the minraise

Wouter checks and Trifon checks behind

Trifon for 140k and Wouter folds
HAND 80It"s a marathon heads up
Wouter to 160k
Trifon folds a 7
HAND 81Call + check
Flop Td

Wouter bets 120k
Trifon calls

Wouter fires 200k this time
Trifon calls

Wouter slows down and checks and Trifon stabs wsith 300k
Wouter counts and thinks.
He eventually calls
Trifon: 89o
Wouter Tx
Trifon takes quite some chips back
HAND 82Trifon folds preflop
HAND 83Trifon calls - Wouter checks

Wouter 90k and Trifon folds yet another 7"s
HAND 84Wouter folds
HAND 85TRifon folds a seven preflop
HAND 86Wouter calls, Trifon checks

- both check

ch ch

ch ch
Both players play the board and split
HAND 87Trifon folds a 7
HAND 88Wouter folds this time
HAND 89Trifon calls - Wouter puts 160k extra in and makes Trifon fold
HAND 90Wouter folds
HAND 91Trifon to act and he goes to 160k
Wouter asks if he has a monsterhand and calls

ch ch

Wouter checked again
Trifon wil try to make some action -> 150k bet
Wouter folds and remains with 780k vs 1.75M
HAND 92Wouter raises and Trifon folds
HAND 93Trifon: 180k
Wouter calls

Wouter goes for 150k
Trifon agrees for that prize

Wouter checks
Trifon: checks

ch ch
Tristan wins A4o for Wouter vs
HAND 94Wouter calls and we see a flop

Trifon checks
Wouter is allin and Trifon is allout
HAND 95Trifon calls and Wouter checks
Flop: Tc

Both check

Trifon wanted to bet and Wouter mucks
HAND 96Wouter calls
Trifon is fine with that
Flop: Th

Wouter pressures 400k and Trifon folds
HAND 97Trifon folds
HAND 98Wouter calls, Trifon checks

ch ch

and ch ch

Trifon leads 120k and Wouter insta mucks
HAND 99Trifon 200k total
Wouter mucks
HAND 100Wouter folds
HAND 101Wouter raises and Trifon folds
HAND 102Wouter foldssssssss
HAND 103Trifon: He has a 7 so he folds
HAND 104Wouter folds
HAND 105Trifon calls, Wouter checks

Allin Wouter and Trifon folds
HAND 106Wouter allin and Trifon folds
HAND 107Trifon folds
Wouter shows Aces
HAND 108Wouter calls and Trifon shoves, Wouter folds
HAND 109Trifon calls and Wouter checks


Wouter checks - Trifon checks

check check
2son the river and they both check
Trifon 23o
Wouter 85o
Trifon takes it