i got to a pont where i was getting sucked out nearly every time - eg - getting into the money in a 100 runner tourney and in the payouts positions for 5-10 place was double the buy in (20 euros) - i have QQ and raise all in (shortstacked) 3 players call and then check it down. All 3 players had A 5 and the A on the river killed it for me
got to a point last week where i took all my poker websites, stuck them in a folder on my desktop and renamed it DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 1ST OCTOBER
was getting really hacked off with it then i"d reload or buy into a bigger sit n go to try and win my money back - then i realised i wasnt playing poker for a living, i enjoyed the game and wanted to win but to start steaming and chase my losses i"d be on a sticky wicket
then i played a live game on sunday (£25 freezeout) and every time i was favourite to win the hand but guys calling with nothing call my 3 bets all the way to the river and their J 3 hits the J on the river on my pocket

on a board with no straights or draws to make his/her bets make sense
thinking of entering a £5 rebuy tonight and calling it my last for a few months