Hi Craig,
contemplating investing in this as can"t ever seem to get anywhere to play myself.
Just got a small niggle in the back of my mind that won"t go away.
Was watching your last "live" event & saw the AA hand.
You got a fair bit of stick on the chat at the time & would like to hear your side of it.

This is so funny Bob because I heard about what the commentator said and your message is reminding me about it. It is making me laugh again.
I will recall it the best I can. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Action folded round to me, I had AA on the button and raised about 2.5 bigs. sb folded and bb called.
Flop 789 he checked, I bet, he 3bet ,I insta folded.
I don"t know who the commentator was but he probably isn"t as good a player as I am.
My opponent"s range here to re-raise me consists of the made straights (56 / 6 10 / 10 J),
Any two pair, sets, possibly open ended straight draws (but he may have just called with these) and JJ QQ KK.
His actual holding was JJ which is one of the few hands I am in front of. So the commentator was being "results oriented", with the advantage of seeing both players" hole cards.
As you can see I was massively behind his range with the possibility of being completely crushed with two streets of betting to come.
Add in to this the fact that the JJ QQ and KK would likely 3-bet pre-flop, there were very few hands I could put him on that would persuade me to invest more chips.
I cannot understand why the so called expert didn"t examine my opponent"s range to see how far behind it I actually was.
If I remember correctly it was bubble time hand for hand. I don"t know if this was mentioned at the time because I haven"t had chance to look back over it yet. This definitely was not a reason for my fold, in fact this actually could be a reason to continue in the hand. The meta game on the bubble can be fascinating.