Author Topic: WCOAP 2016 Updates Day 2 - #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2  (Read 29193 times)

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Welcome back - to Day 2 of the WCOAP 2016.

Today we have myself, Lucy and John Murray in attendance.  John will concentrate on updating/blogging Day 2 of the 8-Game, where 7 players return for a 14:00 start as follows:

1  168k  Jen Yue Chiang
2  251k  Gianluca Farabella
3  349k  Ady Lovelock
4  219k  Alex Kiy
5  275k  Haresh Thaker
6  880k  Dai Llewellan
7  444k  Dann Williams

Preceding that we have the Holdem 3X Championship, £50 buyin with a 10k stack and 1 rebuy allowed within the first 7 levels, and 1 addon allowed which can only be taken at the end of Level 7 (both £50 for 10k).

Finally, kicking off at 15:00 we have the Mix Max, with a 15k stack on a 30 min clock.  The event will start at 9-max and when down to 36 players will re-draw to 6-max (stack c/f), and when 18 players remain it will re-start at Heads Up (seeded largest v smallest) and blinds start at what 6-max finished, with 10-min levels.  HU levels will freeze at whatever FIRST HU match finishes, and play to completion of all HU matches at that level - Final Table 9 players will start on NEXT Level after they froze. 

The calm before the storm...

From Holdem 3X

Why play when you can update/blog...

From WCOAP 16 #2 19 Mar

« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 12:50:01 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2016, 12:10:24 PM »
Slow start to today for the #4 NLHE 3X

Full player list will be posted at the end of the 1 hour late registration period.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2016, 13:12:28 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X

Double up for Anatolij Jertejev courtesy of Martinha Pereira:

On a board of 2h 5h 7c 8s Anatolij pushes all in with 5s 5c for around 4k and Martinha makes the call with Qh 7s

The river is the 2d and Anatolij is on around 10k
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2016, 13:16:53 PM »
Re-buy for Chris Keyworth at the hands of Martin Kalinov.

Chris pushed in for his last 1450 and got two callers. They both check down the 3h Qs 4c 3s 2s board.

Martin shows Ah Jd and Chris announces "King high" and both him and the other caller fold.

Chris re-buys.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2016, 13:23:45 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X

List of players after late registration:

Eric Ramkeesoon   
Vincent Mcaulay   
Vincent Anderson   
Stephanie Theopemtou   
Iqbal Patel   
Lewis Berman   
Timotheos Timotheou   
Sonny Tant   
Bradley Green   
Mohammed Ullah   
Tong Zhang   
Sophocles Charalambous   
Stefan Roder   
Laurentiu Radulescu   
Jahsie Levy   
Mathieu Bragard   
Martin Kalinov   
Peter Thompson   
Benjamin Prior   
James Shea   
Christopher Keyworth   
Florian Calin   
William Shepherd   
Martinha Pereira   
Mohammed Yasin   
Aaron Jackson   
Anatolij Jevtejev   
Andrei-Claudiu Cucu   
Raul Cadar   
Alexandru Cadar   
James Elliott   
Samuel Pintea

« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 13:30:14 PM by IrishTom »
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2016, 13:31:02 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X

Not long after and Alexandru Cadar pushes all in for around 3k.

He gets called in two places by Timotheos Timotheou and Martin Kalinov.

With the first three cards out -  5c Jc 7c - Timotheos bets out. Martin shows 6s 6h and says "if I had the 6c I"d call" and folds.

Timotheos shows Kc Jh and Alexandru shows As Kh

The turn is the 9s and the river the 2d and Timotheos takes the pot. Alexandru did not re-buy.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2016, 13:44:27 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X unfolding in the 3x, Aaron Jackson calls a raise pre flop from Chris Keyworth.

On a queen high flop, Chris pushes all in and Aaron calls.
Aaron has pocket aces and Chris has pocket queens for the set.
The turn is a brick card and the river is the fourth queen giving Chris quads and a double up and causing Aaron to re-buy.

A few hands later and we see a flop of 2s 3c Jh
Jahsie Levy moves all in and Aaron Jackson calls. He instantly turns his cards and declares "top set" with his Jd Js
Jahsie is in bad shape as he shows 3d 5d

The turn makes it more interesting with the 3h...Jahsie has Chris covered and needs the 3s to make quads to take him out...

The river is the 3s !!
Jahsie doubles up and Aaron is sent to the rail - very unlucky.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2016, 13:48:54 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X

I am informed that Vincent Anderson is currently on around 40k with player average at 15k following a none believer - Vinnie shoved all in for around 18k into a pot of around 6k with aces. The donation came from a player who stated "you only do that with aces" but called with pocket 8"s anyway, only to find his statement was right.

Vinnie going well.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2016, 14:00:33 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X

With blinds at 100/200 with a 25 ante, Vincent Anderson (Vinnie) raises to 800 from under the gun.

It folds round to Laurenti Radules in the small blind, he makes the call, as does James Swift.

The flop comes 3d Kh 9h

Laurenti checks, James checks behind. Vinnie makes it 1100 to go.
Laurenti calls.
James pushes all in for around 7k.
Vinnis instantly folds on the draw and Laurenti sighs, and folds. James takes the pot.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2016, 14:02:10 PM »

Nice to welcome back our WCOAP 2015 Player Of The Series... Joe Craig... who has chosen to use his 2 Side Events and Main Event entries for the Mix Max, 6 Max and ME Day 1B...

Best of luck Joe...

From Holdem 3X

Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2016, 14:04:01 PM »
#4 NLHE 3X

Bradley Green, in the small blind, with just him and Jahsie Levy in the big blind left in the hand, moves all in for 11400 and is called.

Bradley has Ah 8h
Jahsie shows Ad Kh

5h 5c Jc 7d Ks

And Bradley exits the tournament.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2016, 14:13:04 PM »
As event #4 Holdem 3X Championship goes on a 15 minute break, we are getting a full player/seating list with chip stacks, and #2 8-Game has just re-started for Day 2 - best of luck to the Final Table 7 and John Murray will be providing an update/blog throughout:

1  168k  Jen Yue Chiang
2  251k  Gianluca Farabella
3  349k  Ady Lovelock
4  219k  Alex Kiy
5  275k  Haresh Thaker
6  880k  Dai Llewellan
7  444k  Dann Williams

From WCOAP 16 #2 19 Mar

« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 15:33:43 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2016, 14:17:29 PM »
#2  8-Game Players Championship

And we"re off in the final of the 8-Game. This is the one that all the advanced players want to win. Three of APAT's regular mixed-game players have made the final table in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2016, 14:30:04 PM »
#2  8-Game Players Championship

2-7 Triple Draw

Dann raises the first two hands and gets both through.

Then Ady raises, meets some resistance from Dai, but forces a fold after the second draw and adds some chips to his stack.

This is quickly followed by Alex getting all-in after the second draw and being called by Dai. Dai shows 7s 5h 4d 3h 2s for the nut low and Alex gets ready to leave. He shows  7c 5d 4h and still has a draw to try to make a miracle chop. His first card is  2h and the sweat is on. He needs a 3, but Dai has one of them so there are three outs. His other card is A s, which doesn"t help.

Alex Kiy has been eliminated in 7th place and wins £220, while Dai extends his lead at the top.

As Dai is stacking the chips, Haresh turns up. I guess he wanted to make sure he wasn"t first out.

7th place Alex Kly...

From WCOAP 16 #2 19 Mar

« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 15:37:43 PM by IrishTom »
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013


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Re: WCOAP 2016 - Day 2 #4 NLHE 3X, #5 Mix Max and #2 8-Game Day 2
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2016, 14:36:23 PM »
#2  8-Game Players Championship

Omaha Hi-Lo

We"ve been having a few hands with a bunch of chips finding their way into the middle, but the pots largely ending up being chopped, so no major chip movements.

And there goes another one. Dann takes the High, Ady takes the Low. Take your chips back guys.
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013