Me too guys, never played before but seen it often enough and understand the rules. Count me in! TBH I"d prefere no limit but won"t complain.
Yeah it"s easy to get your money in anyway if you really want to, people seem to think because it"s Pot Limit that you have to make a Pot-sized bet everytime you have a hand so pots can go quite big sometimes, lol. Pots also go big because you"ve got people chasing double draws and stuff like that.
I like it because you can control the size of the pot a lot of the time so if you"ve got a decent hand but not sure where you are you can normally get to the end of a hand with a decent pot but without having to commit all your chips.
I"ve kinda hi-jacked this thread... maybe I should"ve made a new thread for this or something, lol

- If we make this a regular occurence i"ll make a thread to arrange things in future... They should maybe have a home game / local game meetup thread on the live events part of the forum where people can look for or advertise local games - just a thought.