well just back from this cash game and it was a lot of fun. it was actually my first live cash game. There was 8 players and we decided to play 25/25 blinds with a round of NL holdem followed by a round of PL omaha (even though a few of the guys had never played omaha before

). there was plenty of raising and lots of outdrawing but all in good fun.
the big winner was Martin, who organises the poker tournies at the Merchant, he finished in the region of +£100. I personally finished -£10 but after 4 hours poker i def feel i got my moneys worth.
Looking forward to doin it again real soon, although im sure there is a few of the guys that would rather play the omaha as a SnG till they get the hang of it.

i dont think the vegas "big game" have anything to worry bout quite yet