hey boys im totally fed up with the merchant need to find a new game some where, was there last night raised my big blind with ace king 3 limpers, I prob raised about another 5 times and the same guy called my re-raise every time must have though i Was a donk, he callls raise flop kc :


, brill i bet he call, im like what maybe hit trip 6"s but nooooo, turn another blank I bet pot be pushed for another 2000 insta call, he shows kh :

:, im like miles in front oh an guess what the rivers was, :

:. I nearly snapped, I asked what where you wanting to beat with king 2 , his reply was you where raising too much, im like what the fu**, I say re raise me then show some strenght. just can be arsed with idiots now!!!
Rant over