Just thought I"d give you a quick summary of last night"s event.
Casino is very nice. On 3 floors with several bars

and all the staff I spoke to were very friendly and helpful. The poker room is on the 3rd floor away from the main casino and is quite roomy.
£40+£4 freezeout, around 35-40 players, 10,000 starting chips, 20 minute clock.
blind levels went 25/50, 50/100, 150/300, 200/400, 300/600, 400/800 and then I was knocked out

It was self dealt and there were plenty of experienced players willing to deal.
For those interested in the cards - nosey went out very early when trips beat his ac ah.
I lost most of my chips in level 5 when my tc td was no good to a :as: ks with a rivered ah. I then nursed a short stack for a while until eventually my :

: :

: was beaten by ac td with a :as: on the flop.
Hope to visit again soon as overall it was a good experience. there is a £150 2-day event on soon but unfortunatly it is on the same weekend as the european championships so I won"t be there but good luck to any APAT"ers that are.
p.s. Ian, I won a big pot with :as: jd on a

flop with a check-raise