Planning on coming from Canada but want to be sure I'll be able to play.
Any way of sending buyins directly to Gosvenor Casino prior to leaving for the UK?
If not, can I register for the whole series at the casino prior to the 31st?
If not, can I register for the whole series at the casino on the 31st?
If not, must I register each day and hope the tournament isn't already sold out?
Hi Dave, we look forward to welcoming you to WCOAP mate...
I think your best options are:
'reserve' seats for every event via APAT Eventbrite (has a small additional charge which pays for the APAT updates/blog reports all week) and this guarantees you a seat in every event you reserve for up until 30 mins prior to event start time
'buy in' via Grosvenor Online Holding Tanks - But I presume you can't whilst in Canada, so if desired you could transfer your buyins direct to myself and I will include this with the Holding Tank registrations
Waiting until the day is possible as we will not sell all seats in advance, but the risk is that an event sells out before you register on the day