What a freaking nightmare.....It is my little boys birthday tomorrow, and my dad and step mum come round to see him and drop some presents off. That wasnt the bad thing... Set the computer up, Explorer on the main apat page so I can come in and just push refresh, click the link, hey presto....
6.50 My wifes friends and their partners arrive to drop off some presents.... FFS..... One of them says " I could murder a cup of tea", the wife looks at me (you know the look), I am thinking " I could murder you for wanting a cup of tea".
I go an make the tea, my dad says, go on son I"ll have one as well.....I tell my dad the score on the QT. He says no probs son I"ll make the tea, you go in and do what you got to do...
I decide to put the laptop on in the kitchen so no one knows what I am up to... The dam battery go"s on the Lappy... OH MY FFS......Runs into the living room like a banshee........ My eldest boy is on the PC on youtube,,, yes he has moved the page... I remove him from the pc, and the lead to the router comes out.... I am frantically putting it back in....... I get the lead back in, and their is the worst look ever off the wife........
I go through the motions, transaction complete. and after all that, I would of been okay till 7.12.....
well, what doesn kill us makes us stronger. Just got to make sure I live through the wife tonight.....