Author Topic: For England and St George . Applications needed 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿  (Read 4423 times)

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Hi all ,
Just want to say thanks and am chuffed to bits to be given the honour of being England captain . Perfect day seeing as though it St George's day to ask who wants to put themselves forward to the team that will hopefully win it all and if not sure we will have fun trying . It's such a unique event with such great banter and atmosphere.
I want to put in a team with a good mix and experience so aswell as a few lines Poker achievements etc can you please put down if and how many times you have played for England in past . If you have played for any other country please do not apply England is the hardest team to select from and the most players . So therefore Englanders only 😀. I will pick this quite early to give you all time to sort out time off or sweeten the other half 😜. Will post a closing date for entries soon , so if you can pm as soon as possible showing interest for selection be much appreciated . Whether you know me or not or you don't think you will get in for whatever reason let me be judge , you won't lose nothing for trying .
Thanks all in advance 
And cmon England !


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Hi there Scouse,  Only me again (Dave Kingswell) Just placing an official request for consideration for the England team in Coventry later this year. I have been lucky enough to have a couple of nice results in Dublin over the years as well as DTD and a couple in Vegas (Planet Hollywood, which unfortunately does not appear on my Hendon mob profile). I'm  relatively newcomer to APAT and I know that there are many more established players than myself,but just wanted to throw my hat into the ring so to speak.Whether or not I am successful,I wish you and the team all the best.Cheers


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Sound like a great event, would like to apply to to be in the team also please. Have 2 apat medals but only playing over 2 years, I have wsop cash to my name aswell as a main event and a side event in gukpt.    Thanks in advance

El Kidda

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Congratulations Ste!

I would also like to apply for a spot in the team for the coming event in Coventry.

I've played in about 5 APAT team events before, 2 for England, winning Silver on 2 occasions. I also have a fuzzy memory of winning an individual gold once but as a good Liverpool fan I try not to dwell on the past *5x*! I work and play(hard) in a team on a daily basis so would be a good fit for the serious and social nature of the tournament.

All the very best to you and your future Team, come on England!🦁🦁🦁


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Applications can be posted on this thread or pm on here thanks all closing date for applications is this Sunday with announcement on Monday evening . Give everyone time to sort out time off work etc