Author Topic: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018  (Read 13484 times)

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'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« on: July 29, 2018, 15:07:53 PM »


We're hugely excited to announce the inaugural 'The Counties' Team Championship, which will play as the Main Event £75 + £12 (supported by numerous side events from Friday evening*) of the UK & Ireland Championship of Amateur Poker (UKICOAP) taking place over the weekend of Friday 14th Dec 2018 at Grosvenor's Manchester Bury New Road Casino.

The Counties will see 1 team of 4 players from each County in the UK & Ireland compete over 2 days to be crowned Champions, and below is the Main Event schedule:

Saturday 15th December - Day 1

13:00 NLHE Tag STT** 10k on 20 min clock. 

17:30 NLHE Tag Survivor Shootout STT** 20k on 20 min clock (30 mins level 1). 

21:00 Antes Only Tag STT** 10k on 20 min clock. 

Points will be scored by players' finishing positions in each STT and combined to identify the top X teams at the end of Day 1 on Saturday, with those teams progressing onto the final day on Sunday.

Sunday 16th December - Day 2

Day 2 will have each qualifying team represented as follows:

13:00 NLHE Tag STTs 10k stack on 20 min clock - All 4 players from each team will each play in an STT, and as team members get eliminated, then they may 'tag' with any other team member still playing an STT anytime between hands.

Points for these STTs will NOT be awarded - instead, the winner of each STT will qualify THEIR TEAM to play in the final round.


APAT will identify a Team Captain for each County, from all those who volunteer, and that Team Captain is free to choose the other 3 team members - we are restricted on the number of players we can sit, therefore the number of teams is capped and also the number of team members playing each STT will depend on the final number of teams competing - we're only too aware of the restrictions on team numbers for the UK Team Championship, and consequently we've allowed for as many teams as possible to partake in The Counties with the use of the STT/Tag schedule on Day 1.

Players wishing to Captain a County Team, and select their 3 other members, need to put their names forward by 10th Sept 2018.  Team Captains will be advised/announced by 12th Sept latest.  After this date, any County not 'taken' will be open on a 'first come' basis for additional Teams/Captains.  As per the UK Team Championship, all teams/members will need to buyin, in advance, via a Grosvenor Poker Online Holding Tank by 1st Nov 2018.

The qualifying criteria to play for your County is that you must either have been born in the County (if you don't know check your birth certificate ;) ) OR you currently live in the County.

To apply to be a County Captain, please forward your details direct to myself by sending a PM on APAT website via HERE or via Facebook Messenger HERE and providing the following details:

1. Full Name
2. County Born
3. County Living In
4. Which County you 'prefer' to Captain (you may be asked to Captain either depending on demand - say if you are NOT prepared to Captain the 'other' County).

Teams may avail of the discounted embroidered team polo shirts at a cost of £15 each for the APAT event details and team name embroidered onto the left chest (further cost for additional embroidery - eg a 'County' logo etc).


Whilst there are many variations of 'Counties' for each Country, the following will be used for the purpose of The Counties:




*Side Events:

Friday 14th December

18:00 PLO MTT 15k stack on 20 min clock

19:00 NLHE MTT 10k stack on 20 min clock

Sunday 16th December

13:30 NLHE MTT 10k stack on 20 min clock

14:30 PLO MTT 15k stack on 20 min clock

17:00 ROE NLHE/PLO MTT 10k stack on 20 min clock

**Further Main Event details:

13:00 NLHE Tag STT 10k on 20 min clock.  2/3/4* members per team will each play in an STT, with spare players 'spare' to tag into any STT with any team member anytime between hands (when a team loses a player from an STT, then that member becomes 'spare' to tag if desired).

17:30 NLHE Tag Survivor Shootout STT 20k on 20 min clock (30 mins level 1).  2/3/4* members per team will each play in an STT, with spare players 'spare' to tag into any STT with any team member anytime between hands (when a team loses a player from an STT, then that member becomes 'spare' to tag if desired).  Each STT will automatically eliminate the shortest stack player at the table from the end of Level 1 onwards IF the STT has not already lost its 'quota' of players - eg, if at least 1 player busts from an STT during Level 1 then at the end of Level 1 THAT STT would not 'automatically eliminate' a player.  If 2 or more players have been eliminated before the end of Level 2, then again nobody would 'automatically be removed' at the end of Level 2, and so on throughout the levels... so for example, playing 10-handed then at the end of Level 8 the STT will become HU and the STT winner will be the last remaining player or the player with the largest stack at the end of Level 9 (when the shortest stack would be automatically eliminated).  No antes will be in play.  A 15-second shot clock will be used.  Players CANNOT ask for a 'count' of another player's stack - 'dirty stacks' are not allowed and chips are to be stacked in same colours/values (to aid players to count stacks themselves) - vigilance throughout the STT is key!  These measures are put in place to ensure nobody 'time wastes' with the aim to slow play to get another player eliminated.  With 'automatic eliminations' at the end of every level, each STT will complete at 20:40 hours at the latest (or before if players 'naturally bust').

21:00 Antes Only Tag STT 10k on 20 min clock.  2/3/4* members per team will each play in an STT, with spare players 'spare' to tag into any STT with any team member anytime between hands (when a team loses a player from an STT, then that member becomes 'spare' to tag if desired).
« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 20:11:09 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2018, 06:06:33 AM »
Hi Tom,

Can members announce availability to play for their county of origin?  Or will it be expected that nominated captains will select from their cronies.  This latter would perhaps not be a way to get teams of maximum strength ... or entertainment value !!

Kind regards,

Old King (Cole) of North Yorkshire


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2018, 08:37:14 AM »
Hi Tom,

Can members announce availability to play for their county of origin?  Or will it be expected that nominated captains will select from their cronies.  This latter would perhaps not be a way to get teams of maximum strength ... or entertainment value !!

Kind regards,

Old King (Cole) of North Yorkshire

Yes of course Derek - can use this thread (and I'll also start a Facebook thread in a week or so) :)
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2018, 10:55:36 AM »
Hi Tom,

Can members announce availability to play for their county of origin?  Or will it be expected that nominated captains will select from their cronies.  This latter would perhaps not be a way to get teams of maximum strength ... or entertainment value !!

Kind regards,

Old King (Cole) of North Yorkshire

Yes of course Derek - can use this thread (and I'll also start a Facebook thread in a week or so) :)

I will be available to play for Yorkshire if invited (not as Captain). I was born in Stokesley, a market town to the north of the North York Moors.  Am an exile, now living in Essex, but retain strong links with my origins.

I have an APAT bracelet (PLO8) and medals (OH).  I represented Coral Poker as a guest in two APAT team events (NLHE) and final tabled in one. Have won tournaments in continental Europe, including an Italian Open (LimHE) , and also first places at Golden Nugget (NLHE), Aria (NLHE) and Orleans (PLO8)  in Las Vegas.


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2018, 11:15:35 AM »
Would LOVE the chance to Captain The West Midlands team in this one please  ;D

Have no desire to play for anyone else!
IRISH AMATEUR CHAMPION 2009, in memory of Bill Young
Bronze medalist 2009 & Captain 2010 ENGLAND team.
No.1 ranked Online 2009.
R-up Sth Euro O/L PLO 2010
3rd Pu


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2018, 00:27:13 AM »

How long after the 10th Sept will you announce the team captains?
TEAM GOTHAM  (penguin)
Gold Medalist APAT ECOAP 2012 for Team Republic of Ireland


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2018, 13:50:32 PM »
Would like to register interest in the counties .
I was born and have always lived in east London so I guess that counts either for Greater London or Essex .
I've not put myself forward before for the team events as I've only been within APAT for I think four years .
To date I've won one medal ( bronze ) in Irish and cashed in PLO8 and numerous close calls from making the final table in PLO , PLO8 and similar variants .
Prefer to play these variants of poker in APAT as it's my preferred choice but across the year generally NLH .
Would love to be included , but not as captain !


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2018, 13:58:29 PM »

Can you confirm the entry cost for this event, please.

AKA TheHitDog

2016 WCOAP Antes Only Silver Medal
S9 Team Bronze Medal (on the back of others hard work)
2015 WCOAP Razz Bronze Medal


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2018, 18:35:09 PM »

Can you confirm the entry cost for this event, please.


Same as our usual National Championship Main Events Vince - £75 + £12 (per player) (opening para updated)
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2018, 00:49:49 AM »

Can you confirm the entry cost for this event, please.


Same as our usual National Championship Main Events Vince - £75 + £12 (per player) (opening para updated)

Cheers - wasn't sure if it would be £110 like the international team events.
Vince aka AlbusFawkes aka TheHitDog

S12 - Bronze Medal - Counties Team Event (Essex)
S11 - WCOAP Gold Medal - NLHE Cash Tournament
S10 - Nothing to see here - move along
S9 - WCOAP Silver Medal Ante's Only
S8 - WCOAP Bronze Medal Razz
S7 - WCOAP FT - Ante's Only (Medal Bubble Boy)


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2018, 00:07:54 AM »

Hi Old King Cole of North Yorkshire, i am the captain for the North Yorkshire team -please message me to confirm if you do want to join my team as i may have space for you  :D


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2018, 19:17:11 PM »
I am pleased to announce that the following players will represent the West Midlands in the APAT Counties event in Manchester in December....

Joachim Wallaert - Joachim came to prominence in his native Belgium in 2015 when in an incredible 5 days, he finished 1st, 1st, 2nd and 1st in events in the APAT Benelux event in Spa. Just over a year later he achieved his best live cash when finishing 4th in the IPO in Dublin for just shy of €15,000. Joachim now lives and works in Birmingham and I am delighted that this makes him available for my team.

Tony Trippier - Tony is a "veteran" APAT player with a tremendous record in team events, having captured gold and silver medals while playing for his country and also another silver while playing for the Midlands Ballbusters. He also won the APAT pub Championships back in 2011 as a member of the BCPC team. He also once one a bronze playing stud..... apparently.

Gareth Howard - Gaz is relatively new to APAT but has five career live four-figure cashes on his CV plus coming to National prominence in 2017 by winning the GUKPT Main Event in Walsall for over £28,000. He also came 2nd overall in the 2016 APAT team Championships.

Brian Yates - I pick the team  ;D
IRISH AMATEUR CHAMPION 2009, in memory of Bill Young
Bronze medalist 2009 & Captain 2010 ENGLAND team.
No.1 ranked Online 2009.
R-up Sth Euro O/L PLO 2010
3rd Pu


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2018, 06:25:51 AM »
I am pleased to announce that the following players will represent the West Midlands in the APAT Counties event in Manchester in December....

Joachim Wallaert - Joachim came to prominence in his native Belgium in 2015 when in an incredible 5 days, he finished 1st, 1st, 2nd and 1st in events in the APAT Benelux event in Spa. Just over a year later he achieved his best live cash when finishing 4th in the IPO in Dublin for just shy of €15,000. Joachim now lives and works in Birmingham and I am delighted that this makes him available for my team.

Tony Trippier - Tony is a "veteran" APAT player with a tremendous record in team events, having captured gold and silver medals while playing for his country and also another silver while playing for the Midlands Ballbusters. He also won the APAT pub Championships back in 2011 as a member of the BCPC team. He also once one a bronze playing stud..... apparently.

Gareth Howard - Gaz is relatively new to APAT but has five career live four-figure cashes on his CV plus coming to National prominence in 2017 by winning the GUKPT Main Event in Walsall for over £28,000. He also came 2nd overall in the 2016 APAT team Championships.

Brian Yates - I pick the team  ;D

Brian I hear you are no longer doing this?
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2018, 09:50:21 AM »
I am pleased to announce that Team Lancashire will be represented by :

1. Adam Szerlowski, who has twice represented Team Poland. At WCOAP 2018 he proved his class by besting a field of 56 Internationals in the Team Event MTT and finishing 2nd overall in the Individual points table. He is also the current Welsh Online ME Champion.

2. Andrew Young, no stranger to APAT FTs and a former LBPN Champion.

3. Zac Crosland, with an APAT ME Final Table and an online silver medal to his name already, he bears a striking resemblance to both Antonio Esfandiari and Isaac Haxton, which probably explains why he is constantly mobbed by crowds of females and asked for his autograph wherever he goes.

4. Ian Szerlowski, team gofer and water bottle carrier.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 15:20:28 PM by ian.ski309 »
APAT European Team Championships 2009 - Gold Medal

"The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling." - Ambrose Pierce


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Re: 'The Counties' (Team Championship) Dec 2018
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2018, 14:31:29 PM »
can anyone help with accomdation in manchester where is everyone staying or any recommendations on near hotels
thanks denis