How long on average(ish) do the 6 max and full ring DoN stt take to finnish?
My average ATM is approx 23mins across various sites, all turbos, a variety of level lengths, 20 buyins in total. Unfortunately I have no comparable reference for the FR timings currently.
Maybe its my irreversable donkalogic but 6 handed
still seems a shrewder option imho.
Only need to wait for 3 players to get knocked out,
Your more active which helps with the boredom factor,
The onus is on us to accumalate chips in 6m as aposed to sitting tight in FR which makes a better strategy for decent post flop players especially where a ragerty Two Pair crushes/stacks TPGK against weaker players.
Most importantly they are blatently going to be shorter which is an obvious
advantage with $p/h in mind, if you can multitable the same volumes as FR, possibly squeezing in a few more buyins in the same space of time.