Author Topic: The Counties - Overview  (Read 2585 times)

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The Counties - Overview
« on: August 19, 2018, 11:30:15 AM »
The Counties will play out as a team event (4 players per team) and form the Main Event of the UK & Ireland Championship Of Amateur Poker (UKICOAP) with 1 team (only) from each County competing over Saturday 15th / Sunday 16th December 2018, with supporting side events on Friday 14th and Sunday 16th at Grosvenor's Manchester Bury New Road Casino.

Whilst we look to confirm the exact events for The Counties, a lot will depend on the number of teams competing (if it gets maximum attendance then events will see 2 or 3 team members play with the remaining team members able to 'tag') - and shortly we'll release details calling for 'Team Captains' to put themselves forward - and if successful they will then select their other 3 team members (all 4 team members must either have been born in the County or currently live there).

In the meantime, you think you know YOUR County?  Well, whilst there are many variations of 'Counties' for each Country, we've looked to be fair all-round taking into account geographical areas and populations, and in the spirit of APAT have defined the following WISE :) choices will be used for the purpose of The Counties:





« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 20:31:49 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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