Author Topic: The Counties Dec 2018 - Final Event Details  (Read 8098 times)

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The Counties Dec 2018 - Final Event Details
« on: September 11, 2018, 13:52:20 PM »

« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 07:58:39 AM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: The Counties Dec 2018 - Final Event Details
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2018, 23:45:06 PM »

A list of competing Counties and the Team Captains/Members can be found HERE

The OVERALL list of Counties can be found via the following links:

Wales Ireland Scotland England

'The Counties' will see 1 team of 3 (min) or 4 (max) players from each County (or combination of Counties) in the UK & Ireland compete over 2 days to be crowned UK & Ireland 'County Champions', and currently 38 teams will compete in the inaugural event which will play as the Main Event of the UK & Ireland Championship of Amateur Poker at Grosvenor's Manchester Bury New Road Casino over Friday 14th, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th December 2018. 

(We have a maximum capacity of 40 teams - so have scope to allow 2 more teams into the event if they come forward)

The Counties is supported by numerous side events, with the full APAT schedule of events as follows:


18:00 PLO MTT £33+£7 (Side Event) - 15k stack on 20 min clock

19:00 NLHE MTT £33+£7 (Side Event) - 10k stack on 20 min clock


13:00 The Counties NLHE Tag STT 10k stack on 20 min clock

17:30 *The Counties NLHE Survivor Shootout Tag STT 20k stack on 20 min clock (30 min Level 1)

21:00 **The Counties Antes Only Tag STT 10k stack on 20 min clock


13:00 The Counties NLHE Tag STTs (8 x 10-handed) 10k stack on 20 min clock

13:30 NLHE MTT £33+£7 (Side Event) - 10k stack on 20 min clock

14:30 PLO MTT £33+£7 (Side Event) - 15k stack on 20 min clock

17:00 ROE (NLHE/PLO) MTT £33+£7 (Side Event) - 10k stack on 20 min clock

18:00 The Counties FINAL TABLE 8 NLHE Tag STT 10k stack on 30 min clock

Day 1 of The Counties will have ALL PLAYERS from every team each compete in an STT, with eliminated/non-playing team members able to tag with any other team member in an STT (whilst the table is not involved in a hand) - if there is any dispute between team members as to whether a 'tag' will take place, then the final decision rests with the player already at the table.  A team CANNOT tag until at least 1 of their members has been eliminated from an STT (so before this happens, you CANNOT simply decide to 'tag/swop tables'). 

Points will be scored by team players' finishing positions in each STT and the top 3 scores for each team in each STT will be combined to identify the top 20 teams at the end of Day 1 on Saturday, with those teams progressing onto Day 2 on Sunday.

   STT Points:         
   1st      15 pts   
   2nd      12 pts   
   3rd      10 pts   
   4th      8 pts   
   5th      6 pts   
   6th      4 pts   
   7th      3 pts   
   8th      2 pts   
   9th      1 pt   

Day 2 of The Counties - Final Table Qualifying Round will have ALL PLAYERS from every Day 2 QUALIFYING TEAMS each compete in an STT, with eliminated/non-playing team members able to tag with any other team member in an STT (whilst the table is not involved in a hand) - if there is any dispute between team members as to whether a 'tag' will take place, then the final decision rests with the player already at the table.  A team CANNOT tag until at least 1 of their members has been eliminated from an STT (so before this happens, you CANNOT simply decide to 'tag/swop tables').  The WINNERS (only) of each STT will qualify their team for a 10k starting stack on the Final Table.

Day 2 of The Counties - Final Table   Where any team qualifies more than 1 player for the Final Table, then that team will start the Final Table with their team player/representative at the Final Table having a multiple stack (10k for each FT qualified player) - meaning Final Table Qualifying Teams will NOT have multiple PLAYERS on the Final Table, but may start the Final Table with Multiple STARTING STACKS (NB - this means that the Final Table may have LESS than the maximum 8 teams/players). 

Team members may tag between hands - but on this occasion the TEAM CAPTAIN will have the final say on whether a tag takes place or not (in the absence of the Team Captain then again the player at the table has the final say).

Each team on the Final Table will have 2 'time out' cards which the player sitting (and ONLY the player sitting) may exercise at any time whilst in a hand AND THE ACTION IS ON THEM - they will each be for 1 minute during which the seated player may consult with his other team members.

*   17:30 NLHE Survivor Shootout Tag STT 20k on 20 min clock.  Each STT will automatically eliminate the shortest stack player at the table from the end of Level 1 onwards IF the STT has not already lost its 'quota' of players - eg, if at least 1 player busts from an STT during Level 1 then at the end of Level 1 THAT STT would not 'automatically eliminate' a player.  If 2 or more players have been eliminated before the end of Level 2, then again nobody would 'automatically be removed' at the end of Level 2, and so on throughout the levels... so for example, playing 10-handed then at the end of Level 8 the STT will become HU and the STT winner will be the last remaining player or the player with the largest stack at the end of Level 9 (when the shortest stack would be automatically eliminated).  No antes will be in play.  A 15-second shot clock will be used.  Players CANNOT ask for a 'count' of another player's stack - 'dirty stacks' are not allowed and chips are to be stacked in same colours/values (to aid players to count stacks themselves) - vigilance throughout the STT is key!  These measures are put in place to ensure nobody 'time wastes' with the aim to slow play to get another player eliminated.  With 'automatic eliminations' at the end of every level, each STT will complete at 20:40 hours at the latest (or before if players 'naturally bust').

**   21:00 Antes Only Tag STT 10k on 30 min clock. 

All players will post the required ante each hand of play before play commences.

Pre Flop: Action will start with the player left of the dealer/button.  Players will act in turn having the option to Fold, Bring-In for the minimum amount as stated per level or Raise - which can be any amount up to All In, with the minimum being double the amount of the Bring-In.  The remaining players will then have the option to Call, Raise or Fold. You CANNOT check pre-flop.

Post Flop: Action will start with the player left of the dealer/button.  Players will act in turn having the option to Check, Fold or Bet (the minimum being the amount of the Bring-In or any amount up to All In).  The remaining players will then have the option to call, raise or fold.
   Level      Ante      Bring-In   
   1      50      25   
   2      100      25   
   3      200      50   
   4      300      50   
   5      400      50   
   6      600      100   
   7      800      100   
   8      1000      100   
   9      1500      200   
   10      2000      200   
   11      3000      200   
   12      5000      200   

The top 5 teams (from 38 teams entering) from the Final Table on Sunday will all be 'in the money':

Champions & Gold Medal Winners = £4000 per team / £1,000 per member
Silver Medal Winners = £3,000 per team / £750 per member
Bronze Medal Winners = £2,200 per team / £550 per member
4th = £1,400 per team / £350 per member
5th = £800 per team / £200 per member
« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 20:07:02 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
Twitter: TomBradyLPPL


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Re: The Counties Dec 2018 - Final Event Details
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2018, 09:16:54 AM »
Do we have a prize breakdown?
2010 WCOAP HORSE Silver
2011 WCOAP STUD Gold
2011 WCOAP Online OMAHA HI/Lo Gold
2012 GUKPT Bolton PLO Champion
2019 The COUNTIES Gold


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Re: The Counties Dec 2018 - Final Event Details
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2018, 15:58:34 PM »
Here you go:

The top 5 teams (from 38 teams entering) from the Final Table on Sunday will all be 'in the money':

Champions & Gold Medal Winners = £4000 per team / £1,000 per member
Silver Medal Winners = £3,000 per team / £750 per member
Bronze Medal Winners = £2,200 per team / £550 per member
4th = £1,400 per team / £350 per member
5th = £800 per team / £200 per member
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
Twitter: TomBradyLPPL