just to report on the poker league playoff that i played today, starting stack was 2000. the first hand i was on the button and found qd ks, folded to me so i raised 3x bb(bb is 50) and got called by the blinds, the flop came kd jc

, small blind checked, the bbb raised 600 and i raised to 1k, sb folded and bb went all in, i called and he showed jh

and i missed the turn and river. after the break the busted players get 1500 for a second chance, i was in second position and found ah jh, went all in and got called by three others, cant remember the other two callers but the winning hand was

and he flopped two pair, i cant work out why he called immediately after my all in, what about the other two, i would have folded the suited connecter but hey what do i know, im the world"s biggest fish at the moment it seems. this evening was the start of the new league and my bad run was still with me, never got a chance, people like to make hero calls down the pub(i know my tell, i sing to the background music if i have a good hand, the thing was i was singing when i was bluffing so how did he call?

?). i have had enough, i really want to give up the game but im so passionate about the game i cant give it up. just wondering, can you purchase any items of clothing with the apat logo on? please let me know. now off to throw all my toys out of the pram.
See you soon and love to all
Ant The Cat