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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2008, 00:06:25 AM »
been down the pub and come third so need a good"un for next week to win a seat in the regional, guaranteed to be in the playoffs(already third). now off to bed. a new league starts on the 9th november. if you live in the south norfolk/north suffolk and want to try some live action then contact the butchers arms on 01502 712243 and speak to ian. its on a sunday starts at 7.30pm.

Good Luck at the tables

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2008, 10:30:25 AM »
i havent been able to play any poker at the moment as the misses has got me by the short and curly"s and im living with her for a while. she is anti-gambling and she thinks that poker is a waste of my time. i have told her that she should give it a try before slating the beautiful game(people say football is the beautiful game but im not a big footie fan but i will watch some matches). will be reporting on a bit of poker on my mobile(this has a great cash game and competition is soft at the lower levels, give it a try, im on the wpt mobile poker room) and ill post some funny hands if i experience them, last time i played i got paid on a straight flush, i had  ad1 :2d: and the flop came  :3d: 4d 5d, what a flop and he had  kd qd, a bad beat for him.

speak soon

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2008, 08:08:50 AM »
hi. had yesterday off from the girlfriend so had a afternoon spare to play online, didnt do well, the first 5 sng"s were a failure but a little ray of light in the form of a couple of second places and a third place, i had to stop my run of form online to play down the pub. i needed a good finish but got knocked out just before the final table(8th out of 20 odd) but i should have made the final table, i had  tc ts and the flop came td 6h 6d, i went all in for 4500(blinds were two and four hundred) and got called by the chip leader on my table with 6c 5s, the turn was a blank but the river was the fu***ng marvelous  6s. i went out of the pub and nearly threw up, that hand made me smoke a lot of cigarettes(i quit for a week) but hey, thats why im thinking on giving up on the game, always seems like the lucky players get lucky and the good players get f**k all.

Speak soon

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2008, 08:00:42 AM »
hi again, tried a bit of hold-em on my mobile and lost £20 on one hand, the button raised to £1 and me on the big blind(40p) finds kh ks, i raise to £3 and the button(cant remember his name) re-raised all in covering me, i thought for one second that he had aces but ive seen this player run the table over so i called. the board was dealt and his hand was highlighted, he won. his re-raising hand was  ad1 4d and the board contained  ah 6s :2c: 7d tc and i was out. i know kings are vunerable but really, makes me sick.

C u soon

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2008, 00:21:25 AM »
just to report on the poker league playoff that i played today, starting stack was 2000. the first hand i was on the button and found qd ks, folded to me so i raised 3x bb(bb is 50) and got called by the blinds, the flop came  kd jc 4d, small blind checked, the bbb raised 600 and i raised to 1k, sb folded and bb went all in, i called and he showed  jh 4s and i missed the turn and river. after the break the busted players get 1500 for a second chance, i was in second position and found ah jh, went all in and got called by three others, cant remember the other two callers but the winning hand was  8s 7s and he flopped two pair, i cant work out why he called immediately after my all in, what about the other two, i would have folded the suited connecter but hey what do i know, im the world"s biggest fish at the moment it seems. this evening was the start of the new league and my bad run was still with me, never got a chance, people like to make hero calls down the pub(i know my tell, i sing to the background music if i have a good hand, the thing was i was singing when i was bluffing so how did he call?????). i have had enough, i really want to give up the game but im so passionate about the game i cant give it up. just wondering, can you purchase any items of clothing with the apat logo on? please let me know.  now off to throw all my toys out of the pram.

See you soon and love to all

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
4th place £35 triple chance freezeout norwich poker club
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2008, 09:00:08 AM »
top pair is rarely good after a raise and a reraise all in.

Ul though
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Rob, you are a genius.
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You are a genius Rob  :D


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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2008, 08:30:27 AM »
ive had some form, finally. played in a new local venue, the norwich poker club( its a private club but its free to join. i played in a £5 rebuy, there is only two rebuy"s allowed before 90 mins or if you havent used your rebuys you can use them as a add-on"s if you wish. the action for the first 30 mins was fast and loose but after the break the game became tight but aggressive. i came 5th out of 18(?) runners but only the top 4 get paid, bugger. here is how i busted. blinds are 600/1200, i was on the small blind with 11,000ish and the big blind had 25,000. folded around to me and i shoved with  kh 9d, he thought for a minute(felt like a hour) and then called with ks qs, the flop was 4s 9s 7d so i paired him but the marvelous ts came on the turn and i was smoking a marlboro in my car without any cash in my pocket.
the venue is brilliant, everyone is friendly and welcoming.

see you soon

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2008, 22:53:19 PM »
hit more in the way of form, come second in a 10 seat sng on pokerstars, lost a up and down heads up battle but was worth playing this evening, annoyingly though when i had aces twice, i got no action even though i limped preflop and only the bb checked, had to bet the turn and they folded. never mind, trying to save enough for a gukpt event seat for next year. still thinking about quitting but as im on form at the moment, i think i will put that idea on hold until i get suck-out on again.

See you soon

Ant The Cat
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2008, 23:14:53 PM »
played at the pub this evening and had a bit of success, as we are now putting a fiver into the pot there is a prize for coming in the top three. tonight went crap to start with but then hit a few hands and tripled up. managed to come second(albeit with some luck), a particular hand helped, i had  :3h: 4h and on the button with only three left on the final table, i pushed and got called by the small blind with  ts td,  but the flop came  :2d: 8 6c qs and the turn was the  5s and he was brought down to 3bb"s. i came second overall i pushed on the small blind with a queen and he had a ace, whoops but there we go, £15 up towards a gukpt event, need a lot more but there we go, now off to bed to my poor girlfriend who hates me playing poker but she knows that its one of my passions and supports me(she has not said she supports me but i hope so, this game causes arguements between me and her, she thinks its just gambling where i tell her its got skill involved). speak to u tomorrow about some more poker.

Ant The Cat
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 00:09:53 AM by antthecat »
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2008, 08:21:56 AM »
i have had a satori moment. i now know what is the most profitable way of making money(little and often) at poker. some people can play online and are quite successful but i never really take online seriously so when i play, its usually just passing time and i do deposit on my account a lot. i have been ranting that i am thinking about quitting poker but last night i feel that my game is sharp and im only getting sucked-out by quite frankly s**t players down the pub. i have realised that to make money at this game then im only playing my last $20 on pokerstars and concentrate at live poker tournaments. i played at the norwich poker room(im going to call it npr so i dont sue my boss for r.s.i lol) and i got heads up, we decided to chop the pot 50/50 as we were both even and i came home with approx £50 more than what i started with(it was a single table with 9 players and one life before the break, i didnt use my life so i used it as a add-on). will be playing on friday(only cos the misses has gone out) so ill let you know how i got on.

Ant The Cat

p.s sorry i havent talked about hands, will try to remember some to talk about.
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2008, 17:45:09 PM »
i havent talked about friday night yet as i did play at my local club and i got knocked out in 12th place. nothing really much happened apart from i lost my chips when i tried to bully someone off a pot preflop, she called after a minute of deciding what to do(i started to talk her off it, whoops) and showed pocket tens, i had a crap k9 off suit and she flopped a boat tens full of jacks. but thats poker. i have mentioned that i have not concentrated on online poker but i had a crack on blue square as they offered me $2 so i put that into a sng and was out first hand. oh well. i cant wait to find out the dates of series 3 dates as im going to play the regionals and some of the online games aswell(hope the talent of play is better than usually found online) and want to play in a couple of the national events. i am playing well and making a small profit playing live tourneys so i want to up the stakes a little and play in slightly higher buy-ins and see how i get on.

See you soon
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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1st place £10 freezeout geldeston's spieler


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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2008, 11:37:26 AM »
hi there im off work until friday(building work comencing, having a mot bay installed) and im currently trying to lose my last $20 on pokerstars. cant wait till tomorrow for two reasons, one is i get paid and the second is that im back at my local haunt playing live poker. im playing a sng at the moment and was struggling till i doubled up. so if anyone wants to try and take my money then look out for thintony at the $3.40 sng"s. serious note i would like to ask if there is any apat clothing for sale as im trying to popularise the apat at the pub and at the norwich poker club.

Speak soon
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2008, 11:57:57 AM »
now off to try something that i dont usually try, a mtt online. i dont know what spurred me on but i want to write on something different, also the tv is on in the background and what is on channel 4 is quite bad. a few minutes ago it was a show about contraception and now i am watching something on glow in the dark rabbits. i havent smoked a fag this morning so i know its real. its all for channel four schools for skiving children who can still be educated when they are not hanging around with there hoods on under street lights, they should at least get a bike and ride it around the farmers fields like what i used to do. anyway keeping with the subject im off to play in this online tournament but first im making a cup of tea.

speak soon
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
4th place £35 triple chance freezeout norwich poker club
1st place £5 rebuy palace casino yarmouth
1st place £10 freezeout geldeston's spieler


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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2008, 13:34:46 PM »
didnt do well in the mtt. walked into aq when i had qj and we both hit our queen on the flop. never mind. been playing razz, i love the game and did make some money out of it (50cents) but boy it was up and down all the time. so i should stick with what i know, sng"s in holdem later on.

see you soon
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
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1st place £10 freezeout geldeston's spieler


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Re: Another Norfolk poker player
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2008, 00:07:25 AM »
hi there been playing down npc and didnt do well, shoved with trip aces when the opponent made a flush on the turn. crippled my stack and was out with aj and my opponent had a3 and he paired the three. im waiting for my friend who is doing well. now off to contemplate my bad play.

speak soon
3rd place £25 double chance freezeout grosvenor yarmouth
4th place £35 triple chance freezeout norwich poker club
1st place £5 rebuy palace casino yarmouth
1st place £10 freezeout geldeston's spieler