When I joined Luton they said that the pre-registration like this doesn"t speed things up. From what he said this is mainly a marketing gimmick. So as long as I wasn"t misinformed it would be better to avoid this.
Not saying you"re wrong Jon, or that you have been misinformed. I have had it both ways at APAT events.
Aspers in Newcastle had my details ready to go on their computers. They just had to see my Licence to see that I was really me. Dublin couldn"t find me on their system (even though, I had printed the registration email)..so I guess it"s pot luck.
As for the marketing, I always make it a point to tick/untick the relevant boxes when filling in ANYTHING online.
If I miss one, I just add them to the SPAM list in my email client and
"Robert"s your Father"s Brother".