Author Topic: Sky Open - A move that got me busted in 18th place - Right or Wrong play...?  (Read 9820 times)

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Well dont want to be the bearer of all bad beat stories but... played the Five00 on sky last night, was doing well with around 19k chips and another big stack with around 22k all other on table were all short stacked with around 4k max... blinds were quite high at this stage 400/800... had  ah :as: in my hand and raised minimum 1,600 as was sat on the button and wanted some action... other big stack in SB re-raised 3,200, BB folded... I went over the top again to 7,000, SB called... flop was  jc ts 8h, I then pused all in as there was around 14k in the pot and had around 12k left... and wanted to be in contention for the money with only 120 or so runners left... he then called my all in and turned over  qh 9s, with a nut straight on the flop... was gutted... again maybe I should of pushed all in beofre the flop came down...?!


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.. had  ah :as: in my hand and raised minimum 1,600 as was sat on the button and wanted some action...

You got your action so stop complaining  ;D

Oh, and that"ll be 50p in the tin, we don"t allow "bad beat" stories   ;D


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Haha, very true... looking back would of changed the way I played it...  where do I have to put the 50p...!? Shall I put it in the post... FAO APAT...!? ha


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Must suit your ubber aggressive (donk) game Steve

Hey!! I resemble resent that remark!!


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    • ChezGer
I must say that the open doesn"t suit my super tight ultra defensive game


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I must say that the open doesn"t suit my super tight ultra defensive game
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 20:32:12 PM by Swinebag22 »
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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right it seems i"m going against the flow here -
1. Try not to go all in these spots [AQ HAND] its better to be the shover rather than than the 2nd to act unless you have a good idea of the villians range.The benefit of being the lead bettor is you force your opponents to make a choice for there tourny lives and sometimes they will fold the better hands and you will pick up the blinds. [hindsight is great when you know the opponents hand afterwards] ;D
Just think if he had pushed his whole stack in preflop would you of called? 1.2 to 1 odds to double up? what range of hands would you put him on? is he LAG TAG etc
had you picked up any pattern to his raises? had he been stealing a lot before hand? you had 45% equity to call if he had shoved , if you poker stoved it what range would you put him on? he was going to call you after you re-raised all in,he was getting 3.95 to 1......if you thought he had 22-JJ in his range to raise 4x then you had about the right price just.My preference when getting down to the last 2 or 3 tables is to lead 1st in the pot which then gives me the chance to win pots uncontested . if i"m down to my last 8 to 14bb depending on my opponents styles i will have a range of hands that i will open shove first in [but i adjust this range to what i think there calling ranges are] sometimes if the situations are right it will be any 2 cards.AS long as you keep learning and questioning your moves and plays, you will make better decisions in the future.

2. DO NOT MIN RAISE ACES ON THE BUTTON it only gives the big blind a really good price to call any old rubbish.When the small blind made that small reraise DO Not make a small reraise back unless you have a good read on your opponents range of hands so that post flop you know where you are.Make a bigger reraise 3 to 4 x or go all in and punish him for the stupid reraise preflop.

Please give your reads on the players if you have any, and stack sizes of opponents at the table, players left in mtt your position etc etc as much info as you can give and that will help in giving you better feedback..

Try pokerstars or Full Tilt if you are intrested in big field big money mtts with good structure as they are the best two mtt sites.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 20:43:33 PM by noble1 »