#8 PLO Shootout Championship - FINAL TABLE
Seat 1 - Alexander Milicic
Seat 2 - Stanislav Parkhomenko
Seat 4 - Bon Koo
Seat 6 - Boris Andric
Seat 8 - Stefan Roder
Level 12. Blinds 1500/3000
Stanislav raises and takes it down.
Boris bets pot - 10.5k and wins the hand.
Stanislav completes and Bon checks.
They check the board
is enough to win Stanislav the pot.
Stanislav limps the button and the blinds come in cheap.
Boris bets pot on a
flop and wins the hand showing
Bon limps on the button and Boris completes, Stefan checks
flop, Boris bets 9k. Stefan instantly folds, Bon has a moment and then folds.
It folds to Stefan in the small blind, he raises to 6k and Alexander calls.
They check the
Stefan bets 8k on the
turn and Alexander calls.
river sees Stefan check and Alexander checks behind.
wins for Alexander.
Stefan calls on the button and Alexander and Stanislav come along for minimum too
Alexander's 7k bet on the
flop ends the hand.
Alexander calling the button this time, Stanislav folds the small, Bon checks the big.
is checked by both
6k bet by Bon on the
turn and called.
Alexander bets 7k on the
river and Bon calls.
for Alexander and Bon mucks.
Bon calls the small and Boris checks the big.
Bon checks the
flop and folds to Boris' bet of 3k
Alexander and Bon limp, Boris completes and Stefan checks.
Boris checks, Stefan bets 5k and only Alexander calls.
Stefan check calls 5k on the
river and Stefan bets 5k. Alexander calls
Stefan has
for Alexander and he wins the pot.
Alexander gets a walk.
Alexander bets the
flop and gets Stanislav and Bon to fold.
Stanislav wins the hand with a raise from the small blind.
Bon calls, Boris checks, the flop is
Bon checks, Boris bets 3.5k, Bon folds.