So, that's a wrap - Season 12 done and dusted, and we turn our attention to Season 13...
We're looking to ensure our Main Events are still what we want them to be - great quality poker over 2 days for the affordable buyin, so we'll be doing a quick review of our structure which will include not only the starting stack and blind levels, but also a look over our trial of the Big Blind / Button Ante.
Whilst we work to confirm all venues and dates for Season 13, we can however at this point give you a quick head's up on some non-UK events we have confirmed:
May 9-12; Namur
Aug 28-Sep 1; ECOAP, Prague
Oct 3-6; Asch
Oct 27-28; Dublin
Nov 3-4; Malta
Nov 8-10; Namur
Obviously, more to come...