Author Topic: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)  (Read 14200 times)

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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2019, 16:09:13 PM »
Level 17:   6,000 / 12,000 (12,000)
Players:     13 (in the money)
Average:    400,000 / 33.3 BBs

We're 'in the money' and with around 30k Debbie Kimm ships it with Ks Qd, and Own Rofail makes the call for not many more chips with 5h 6s

Board 2c 6h 10s 5c 9c and we lose Debbie in 13th place, winning £100

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 17:38:28 PM by IrishTom »
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2019, 16:38:21 PM »
Level 17:   6,000 / 12,000 (12,000)
Players:     12
Average:    433,333 / 36.1 BBs

Miguel Lucea departs in 12th when his 9c 9h runs into the Ah Ad of Own Rofail

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 17:37:56 PM by IrishTom »
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2019, 16:45:16 PM »
Level 18:   8,000 / 16,000 (16,000)
Players:     11
Average:    472,727 / 29.5 BBs

Matt Carey finds a ship it moment holding Ah 3s, and is against the Kc Qc of Daniel Byrom and 9s 10d Jd in the window, Matt leaves us in 11th place for £120

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 17:37:05 PM by IrishTom »
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2019, 16:54:50 PM »
Level 18:   8,000 / 16,000 (16,000)
Players:     10
Average:    520,000 / 32.5 BBs

We reach the Final Table bubble and Farbod Jarvand has his stack all in holding Ad 5d, with Own Rofail involved again, this time holding 8c 8s and he stays ahead to knock out Farbod in 10th place winning £150.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 17:33:57 PM by IrishTom »
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2019, 17:06:13 PM »
Level 18:   8,000 / 16,000 (16,000)
Players:     9
Average:    577,777 / 36.1 BBs

Final Table:

   Rofail      Own      1,209,000      120.9   
   Byrom      Daniel Douglas      946,000      94.6   
   Pickering      Liam      679,000      67.9   
   Brook      Steven      528,000      52.8   
   Aleksandravicius      Gediminas      477,000      47.7   
   Hiesley      Simon Michael      463,000      46.3   
   Bakhshaee      Mahmood      435,000      43.5   
   Coghlan      Daniel Michael      291,000      29.1   
   Berridge      Scott      164,000      16.4   

   1st                  £3,020 + National Championship Gold   
   2nd                  £2,000 + National Championship Silver   
   3rd                  £1,360 + National Championship Bronze   
   4th                  £890   
   5th                  £630   
   6th                  £490   
   7th                  £390   
   8th                  £290   
   9th      Daniel      Coghlan      £200   
   10th      Farbod      Jarvand      £150   
   11th      Matt      Carey      £120   
   12th      Miguel      Lucea      £110   
   13th      Debbie      Kimm      £100   

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 18:02:24 PM by IrishTom »
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2019, 17:21:44 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge
Seat 8 - Daniel Coghlan
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 18, 8k/16k/16k, average 577,778

Liam raises from the small blind and Gediminas folds showing 7s 2h

Liam shows Ks Qc


It folds to Liam on the button, he makes it 35k and wins the hand.


Scott ships and gets it through.


Own raises from the small and wins the hand.


Liam and Daniel limp, Mahmood calls from the small and Scott ships the big.

They all fold and Scott shows A s 2c


Qd 6s 8s 4d board, Scott has called from the small and Daniel checked the big.

Scott bets the turn and Daniel folds.


Own makes it 50k from mid position and wins the hand.


Liam, under the gun, raises to 43k and the rest fold.


Mahmood raises to 37k , Daniel ships all in for 251k, it folds back to Mahmood who thinks for a spell before folding.
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2019, 17:28:48 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge
Seat 8 - Daniel Coghlan
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 18, 8k/16k/16k, average 577,778

It folds to Liam in the big blind, he raises to 35k and Gediminas calls.

Gediminas folds to a bet from Liam on an ace high flop. Liam shows the ace.


Steven makes it 43k from late position and is called by Daniel in the big blind.

They see a Ad 3d 3h flop, Daniel check folds to 50k from Steven.


Mahmood raises to 40k and takes the hand.


Liam makes it 40k to go and wins the pot.


It folds to Own, on the button, he raises to 50k and the blinds fold.
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #37 on: September 29, 2019, 17:44:33 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge
Seat 8 - Daniel Coghlan
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 19, 10k/20k/20k, average 577,778

Daniel makes it 55k from mid position and the rest fold - Daniel shows Ac Qd


Simon, under the gun, raises to 54k.

It folds to Steven, he re raises to 158k

Simon says "really?!" and folds quickly.

Steven shows A s Kd


Mahmood makes it 60k.

It folds to Simon who thinks, counts out a raise but eventually folds.

Mahmood shows Ad Kh


Simon calls from the small blind and Liam checks the big.

They check the flop and the board runs Qc 3c 4h Kd

Simon bets 25k on the turn and Liam calls

10d river

Both check and Jh 10h wins it for Liam.


Liam completes the small, Gediminas checks.

They check the 4c A s Qc flop and the 4d turn

Gediminas bets 25k on the Jc river and Liam says "I am paying the board" and folds.


It folds round to the blinds.

Gediminas raises to 50k and wins the hand.


Again, the rest fold and it is on to Daniel in the small blind, he raises to 70k and Own folds.


Daniel's 228k ship gets through.


Daniel raises to 45k and takes it down.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #38 on: September 29, 2019, 17:48:38 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge
Seat 8 - Daniel Coghlan
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 19, 10k/20k/20k, average 577,778

Mahmood raises from the button to 58k and the blinds fold.


Simon makes it 55k total.

Daniel moves all in for 288k

Steven tanks before folding.

Simon insta calls and turns Qc Qs

Daniel shows Kc Qh

10h 2h 7d 4h 3s

Daniel Coghlan finishes in 9th place for £200.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 17:52:31 PM by IrishTom »
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2019, 17:59:50 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge

Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 19, 10k/20k/20k, average 577,778

Steven raises, from the small, to 53k and Simon folds from the big.


Scott ships for 208k and gets it through.


It folds to the blinds, Liam calls and Gediminas checks.

The flop is 6h 4h 3d

Liam bets 20k and Gediminas calls.

The turn is 4c

Liam bets 40k and Gediminas calls.

Qs river and Liam reaches for chips but Gediminas folds before they hit the felt.

Liam shows 6d


Steven raises it to 55k and the rest fold.


Again, Steven raises it to 55k.

Daniel calls and they go heads up to a flop of 2d 4d Ks

Daniel checks, Steven bets 8k and Daniel folds.


Steven, once more, makes it 55k.

Simon calls and the rest fold

The flop comes down 8c 3h Kc

Steven continues for 65k and Simon quickly calls.

They get the 10c on the turn and both check

The river is A s and both check again

9s 9d for Steven

Ks Qs for Simon and he scoops the pot.
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2019, 18:09:36 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge

Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 19, 10k/20k/20k, average 577,778

Scott gets a walk.


Daniel raises to 45k.

Scott moves all in.

It folds back to Daniel, he asks for a count - 268k, and he lets it go.


Gediminas raises, under the gun plus one, to 55k and the rest fold.


It folds to Scott, he moves all in and he gets it through.


Daniel, under the gun, raises to 45k and wins the hand.


Liam makes it 45k on the button and ends the hand.
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2019, 18:27:40 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 7 - Scott Berridge
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 20, 15k/30k/30k, average 577,778

Liam raises to 75k and Own calls

They see a 8c 10d Qh flop.

Own checks and Liam continues for 90k

Own raises to 185k and Liam calls.

The turn comes 2h and they both check.

The river is 3d.

Own checks, Liam bets 225k, Own thinks before calling.

Liam says "nice call" and shows Kh Jd

Own shows  Ac 10d and wins the pot.


Steven raises to 85k and the rest fold - he shows Qs Qh


85k from Steven again wins him the hand - he shows Ad Ah


Daniel raises to 75k and wins the pot.


Liam limps under the gun and it folds to Simon. He checks his option.

Ah 5h 5s

Simon checks, Liam bets 30k, Simon folds.


Own Rofail raises to 75k, Scott Berridge in mid position ships for 328k and it comes back to Own who makes the call

Scott 5c 5s and Own Ah 10s

Board 7h 10c 3d 2h 2d and we lose Scott in 8th place for £290

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 18:32:46 PM by IrishTom »
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!


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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2019, 18:51:04 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 20, 15k/30k/30k, average 742,857 / 24.7 BBs

Mahmood in mid position shoves for 275k and takes the blinds/ante worth 75k.


Own raises to 100k adn it folds to the SB Gediminas who pushes all in for 288k. 

Own makes the call and flips over 8c 8d

Gediminas shows Jc Jd

Board 10h Kh 5d A s 3s and Gediminas takes the pot.


Liam raises to 76k from under the gun and takes the hand uncontested.


Gediminas wins a pot around 400k against Liam when his A s Kd connects with the Ks on the river to best Liam's pocket pair.


Steven raises to 80k and wins the pot.


The blinds go to an unraised flop of Ah Qd 2c

Gediminas instantly folds when Daniel reaches for chips.


Simon makes it 68k and Daniel calls from the small blind.

Dealer puts out 8d 6c 8c

They both check and the next card is 2s

Daniel reaches for chips and Simon mucks.


It folds to Liam, he limps from the cut off.

Daniel completes in the small and Own checks the big.

It checks to Liam and he bets 40k on the 9h Qc 6d flop and Daniel calls.

7c turn and Liam bets 50k, Daniel quickly calls.

The river is 8c

Liam checks, Daniel bets 70k and Liam folds showing Qh
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #43 on: September 29, 2019, 18:58:19 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 21, 20k/40k/40k, average 742,857 / 18.5 BBs

Steven gets a walk.


It folds to Steven in the small blind, he calls.

Simon checks and they go to the flop - 10h 3d 2d

Steven bets out 50k and Simon calls.

The 9d turn gets a bet of 60k from Steven and Simon lets it go.


It folds to the blinds again, this time Simon is the small blind and he raises it to 85k.

Liam, in the big, makes the call.

They go heads up to a flop of Kc 5c 6d

Simon ships and Liam lets it go.

Simon shows Kd


Liam in the small, Gediminas in the big, Own makes a raise to 100k.

It folds to the blinds, Liam raises all in, Gediminas folds and Own makes the call.

Liam shows d 8d but is very unhappy to see Own turn 8h 8c

A s 3s 6d Jc 6h

Liam Pickering finishes in 7th place for £390.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 19:23:24 PM by IrishTom »
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Re: APAT Brighton - Updates (Rendezvous Casino)
« Reply #44 on: September 29, 2019, 19:08:42 PM »
Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 9 - Steven Brook   

Level 21, 20k/40k/40k, average 866k / 21.6 BBs

Mahmood ships and takes the hand - he shows A s


Mahmood moves all in and takes the pot again.


It folds to Own, in the small blind, he raises to 95k and Mahmood folds.


Steven gets a walk.


Simon gets a walk and shows Jd 6h


Steven makes it 95k from the button.

Gediminas calls and they both see the 6c Qh 4h flop

They both check and Gediminas checks the 10s turn.

Steven bets 105k and wins the hand.


Gediminas calls from the small and Daniel checks the big.

Gediminas bets 40k on the 10s 2h 8h flop and Daniel calls.

They both check the 3d turn and Gediminas bets 75k on the 9d river.

Daniel folds.


It folds to Daniel in the small, he calls and Own checks.

7c Ah 2s flop and Daniel check folds to a 40k bet from Own.


Gediminas raises to 95k

Mahmood moves all in for 255k

Gediminas folds and Mahmood shows Ac Ad
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 20:36:34 PM by IrishTom »
Raise! For Jack - Silver Medallists 2019!