Seat 1 - Simon Hiesley
Seat 2 - Liam Pickering
Seat 3 - Gediminas Aleksandravicius
Seat 4- Daniel Byrom
Seat 5 - Own Rofail
Seat 6 - Mahmood Bakhshaee
Seat 9 - Steven Brook
Level 20, 15k/30k/30k, average 742,857 / 24.7 BBs
Mahmood in mid position shoves for 275k and takes the blinds/ante worth 75k.
Own raises to 100k adn it folds to the SB Gediminas who pushes all in for 288k.
Own makes the call and flips over

Gediminas shows


and Gediminas takes the pot.
Liam raises to 76k from under the gun and takes the hand uncontested.
Gediminas wins a pot around 400k against Liam when his

connects with the

on the river to best Liam's pocket pair.
Steven raises to 80k and wins the pot.
The blinds go to an unraised flop of

Gediminas instantly folds when Daniel reaches for chips.
Simon makes it 68k and Daniel calls from the small blind.
Dealer puts out

They both check and the next card is

Daniel reaches for chips and Simon mucks.
It folds to Liam, he limps from the cut off.
Daniel completes in the small and Own checks the big.
It checks to Liam and he bets 40k on the

flop and Daniel calls.

turn and Liam bets 50k, Daniel quickly calls.
The river is

Liam checks, Daniel bets 70k and Liam folds showing