Final TableSeat 3 - Francis Carbin
Seat 4 - Karl Bursford
Level 28, Blinds 200k/400k with Average 9.5m
Karl completes, Frankie raises to 1.4m
Karl decides to give it up.
Frankie calls, Karl checks and the flop is

Karl bets 500k and wins the hand.
Karl flicks in a 200k call and Frankie checks
They check the

Frankie leads out for 800k on the

turn and Karl calls.
The river card is

Frankie checks.
Karl bets 1.4m
Frankie folds

face up.
Frankie puts in 600k over the call.
Karl folds.
Karl raises it to 1.4m total
Frankie counts out a call and puts it across the line.
The first three cards out are

Frankie, first to act, bets out 1.5m
Karl thinks for a while before moving all in for 9.95m
Frankie folds and is shown