Final TableSeat 4 - Kevin Berkhout
Seat 7 - Stefan O'Donoghue
Level 21, Blinds 50k/100k/100k, Ave 4.9m
Blinds up, Kevin gets a walk
Kevin calls, Stefan checks

both check

Stefan check raises Kevin's 100k bet to 325k and Kevin folds.
Stefan calls, Kevin moves all in and Stefan folds.
Kevin calls, Stefan checks.

Stefan checks, Kevin bets, Stefan folds.
Stefan raises it to 225k and Kevin makes the call.

Kevin checks, Stefan bets 200k
Kevin raises to 600k and Stefan pushes his cards into the muck.
Stefan gets a walk.
Kevin gets a walk.
Stefan gets another walk.
And again, Stefan folds the small blind.
Kevin completes and Stefan taps the table

Stefan check calls 100k

turn Stefan check calls 250k

river and both check
Stefan says he missed everything and Kevin's

takes it.
Stefan with a raise to 250k sees Kevin fold.
Kevin makes it 250k and is called.

check, check

check, check
Stefan bets 100k and Kevin calls.
They chuckle as Kevin shows

and Stefan shows

and they chop it up!
Stefan completes
Kevin puts in an extra 320k and Stefan calls

is the flop and Kevin checks
Stefan bets 450k and Kevin thinks for a moment before deciding to make the call.
The turn card is the

and Kevin checks again.
Stefan announces all in and Kevin quickly calls.
Kevin has

Stefan the

needs a club to win the tournament...

river means KEvin doubles up and put them close to even stacks again.