Final TableSeat 4 - Kevin Berkhout
Seat 7 - Stefan O'Donoghue
Level 24, Blinds 60k/120k/120k, Ave 4.9m
Kevin raises to 280k and Stefan calls

Kevin bets 250k but folds to the re raise from Stefan.
Stefan calls Kevin checks
They both check the

Stefan bets the

turn and Kevin folds.
Kevin flats and Stefan checks.
Stefan check folds on a

Stefan raises it to 260k, Kevin calls
The dealer puts out

Both check and get
Kevin checks, Stefan puts in 350k and it wins the hand.
Kevin, small blind, makes it 300k
Stefan quickly calls.

flop and Stefan checks.
Kevin reaches for chips and puts 425k across the line.
Stefan's cards go to the dealer.
Stefan raises the small blind to 360k and Kevin pays up.

comes out and Kevin taps in a check.
300k from Stefan gets Kevin's cards across the line.
Kevin puts in 300k as does Stefan.
Stefan checks the flop -

Kevin checks behind and the turn is

Stefan leads out for 400k and Kevin gives it up.
Stefan is first to act this hand, he raises it to 260k and Kevin concedes.
Kevin flats, Stefan instantly raises to 520k.
Kevin pauses but lets it go.
Stefan calls, Kevin ships, Stefan asks for a count and the rail are on their feet again.
The count is 2.285m, Stefan counts it out, stands, sits and, finally, calls

for Kevin

for Stefan

Kevin gets the double up.