Final TableSeat 3 -
Cumbria Sharks Jon Seal Mark Jones Chris Salmon Andy Pearson
Seat 5 -
Derry Airs Angie Doherty Mick McCloskey Adam Wilko Neil Banks
Level 8 - Blinds 600/1200
Derry makes it 2600 from the small.
Cumbria calls and they see

Cumbria bets out 3600
Derry calls.

turn and Cumbria checks.
Derry bets 5600 and Cumbria folds.
Cumbria folds.
Derry raises to 2600 and Cumbria calls.

flop and Cumbria bets 4600
Derry calls and we see a turn of

Cumbria bets 6600
Derry makes the call and the river card is the

Cumbria bets 12k
Derry tanks for quite some time before folding.
Cumbria makes it 4600 from the small and Derry folds.
Derry raises the small and Cumbria folds.
Cumbria makes it 4600 and Derry folds.
Derry makes it 3600 and Cumbria folds.
Cumbria raises to 5600 and Derry lets it go.
Derry completes and Cumbria checks.
The flop is

Both check and get

Cumbria bets 2400 and Derry calls.
The river comes the

Cumbria checks, Derry bets 5k and Cumbria folds.
Cumbria completes and Derry checks.
The flop comes

Derry checks, Cumbria bets 3600, Derry folds,