Final TableSeat 1 - Santo Sidoti - 5.18m
Seat 2 - Christian Hills - 2.25m
Seat 3 - Francis Carbin - 1.53m
Seat 4 - Karl Bursford - 1.44m
Seat 5 - Glenn Cochrane - 4m
Seat 6 - Jakub Kaminek - 1.1m
Seat 7 - Mark Vella - 720k
Seat 8 - Marc Schembri - 1.1m
Seat 9 - Benjamin Maassen - 1.6m
Level 23, Blinds 40k/80k/80k, Average 2.1m

Button on seat 7.
Christian raises in early positon, to 160k
Mark Vella, on the button, moves all in over the top.
The blinds fold and Christian sighs and folds.
It folds to Benjamin in the big blind. He moves all in and Santo folds the big.
It folds round to the blinds, Santo in the small completes and Christian raises to 250k.
Santo folds.
It folds to Santo on the button, he raises to 200k and the blinds fold.
It folds to the button again, this time it is Christian, he makes it 175k.
Francis folds the small.
Karl thinks for a while before folding - showing the

Santo, in late position makes it 275k and is called by Glenn in the big blind.
The flop is

Glenn checks, Santo bets 275k and Glenn folds.
Francis, in the cut off, raises to 175k and takes the hand.
Santo raises to 200k and is called by Glenn on the button.
The flop is

both check
Santo bets 225k on the

turn and is called.
The river is

and Santo checks. Glenn checks behind and

for Santo wins the hand.
It folds round to Glenn, he moves all in but the others fold before all his chips make it across the line.