Final TableSeat 1 - Santo Sidoti
Seat 2 - Christian Hills
Seat 3 - Francis Carbin
Seat 4 - Karl Bursford
Seat 5 - Glenn Cochrane
Seat 6 - Jakub Kaminek
Seat 7 - Mark Vella
Seat 8 - Marc Schembri
Seat 9 - Benjamin Maassen
Level 23, Blinds 40k/80k/80k, Average 2.1m
Just the blinds in the hand. Small blind, Marc, raises it to 210k
Benjamin folds the big and Marc wins the hand.
Benjamin flats, Santo raises, Benjamin folds.
Mark moves all in in late position.
Christian, big blind, asks for a count - 960k
Christian calls and tables

Mark shows

Mark doubles up.
It folds to Santo, on the button, he makes it 175k and is called by Francis in the big blind.
Heads up to a flop of

Francis checks, Santo bets 180k, Francis calls.
The turn card is

and both check.
They get

river and both check again.

for Francis gets Santo to muck.
Mark raises to 200k and takes the pot.
Jakub is all in under the gun for just over 800k.
It quickly folds to Karl in the small blind.
He thinks it over before folding.
Glenn takes a moment but also folds and Jakub wins the 200k of blinds and ante.
Mark raises to 260k from under the gun and the rest fold.
Jakub moves all in from the small and Mark, big blind, asks for a count - just over 900k.
He calls.

for Jakub

for Mark

Jakub doubles up
Santo limps, Francis limps, Mark folds the small and Marc ships from the big.
Santo folds, Francis folds and Marc wins a nice pot uncontested.
Last hand of the level and Marc is all in from the small blind. Benjamin folds the big.