We reach our final table here at The Counties event:
Seat 1 - Kent Stallions
Seat 2 - Lancashire Luckboxes
Seat 3 - Cumbria Sharks (They won two games so start with 20k)
Seat 4 - Staffordshire Marmites
Seat 5 - Derry Airs
Seat 6 - Suffolk Sharks
Seat 7 - Greater Manchester Bolton Whites
All teams start with 10k (except Cumbria who have 20k) 30 minute blinds starting at 25/50.
Good luck to all.
Shuffle up and deal.
Derry wins a sizeable pot from Cumbria with

It folds round to Kent, it is raised to 250 and the rest fold.
Cumbria limp, staffordshire raises to 250.
Derry re-raises to 800 and wins the hand.
Cumbria makes it 300 and is called by Staffordshire.
The flop is

and both check.

turn is checked by Cumbria.
Staffordshire bets 500 and Cumbria folds.
Derry raises to 150 and Suffolk call.

and a bet from Derry takes it down.
Manchester raise to 150 and is called by Derry and Lancashire

flop, Manchester bets out and the rest fold.
It folds to Derry, on the button, who makes it 125 and is called by Manchester.
Derry bets 250 on the

flop and Manchester folds.
Manchester, small blind, raises to 250.
Kent, big blind, makes it 550 and Manchester calls.
The flop of

gets an 1100 bet from Manchester and Kent lays it down.
It folds to the blinds again.
Kent calls, Lancashire checks.
Kent checks the

flop and calls the 225 bet from Lancashire
They both check the

turn and

river and

for Lancashire wins the hand.
Kent, with the button, raises it to 250 and gets called by Lancashire in the big blind.
The flop is

They all check and get the

They all check again and the river is

Lancashire bets 600, Kent calls, Lancashire shows

and Kent mucks.

for Cumbria in the small blind means that Staffordshire gets a walk in the big blind.
Lancashire, in the cut off, raises to 250 and Staffordshire call in the small.
They go heads upto a flop of

Staffordshire check folds to a bet of 450.
Staffordshire, with the button, makes it 175 and takes the hand.
Lancashire makes it 250 from early position and the rest fold.
Cumbria calls and the blinds do too.
The flop is

They all check and the

turn gets a 150 bet from Kent.
Cumbria calls, Manchester folds.
The river is

Manchester bets 200, Cumbria raises to 600 and Manchester calls.

for Cumbria wins the hand. Machester had