Author Topic: 2020 UK Team Championship - Team Applications  (Read 4820 times)

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2020 UK Team Championship - Team Applications
« on: December 20, 2019, 21:07:31 PM »
We're hugely excited to announce that the 2020 UK Team Championship will be held over 2 days on Saturday 1st Feb and Sunday 2nd Feb 2020 at the home of UK poker, Dusk till Dawn.

Side events will be hosted throughout the weekend starting on Friday evening, and open to any poker player, whether playing in the UK Team Championship or not.

The UK Team Championship is an invitation only event, and Interested Poker clubs, groups, forums, societies, leagues and communities etc need to register their interest in entering a team by the deadline Saturday 21st December 2019 at 21:00, by sending a PM on APAT website to myself via HERE or via Facebook Messenger HERE and providing team details.

Successful teams will be confirmed asap after applications close on Saturday evening.


Teams with 8 players each will compete for both a team and an individual prize pool in the UK Team Championship, which will be run as an MTT with a buyin of £75+£15 per player.

Entry is therefore £90 per player and this will be required to be paid via an Online Holding Tank by each INDIVIDUAL player - co-ordinated between myself and all Team Captains - each team member will therefore need to have a Party Poker Live online account to enable them to register online to play in the UK Team Championship (details on the PPL online holding tank will be provided asap).

The total prizepool of £75 per player will be paid out on a (roughly) 75/25 basis to the top 3 teams and the top 9 individual players from the MTT.

Points will be scored based on individual player finishing positions, and will start to be earned on Day 2 by all remaining players on a 'reverse position' scoring position - eg; 100 wins 1 point, 1st wins 100 points.

Teams are to wear their own matching colour team shirts for both days of the event - if desired, team shirts are available via APAT at a cost of £15 per shirt (reduced from £18).  Shirts include the APAT logo and UK Team Championship event details, and can show team name and logos etc (possible for an additional cost depending on requirements).

To order send a PM via APAT Website to myself via HERE or via Facebook Messenger HERE.

This event has seen huge demand in previous years, and we are expecting similar interest this year.  The event has also on occasion previously suffered from "team last minute dropouts", and therefore, as we did previously, we will again maintain a reserve list and require all individual team members to pay the entry fee of £90 via a Party Poker Live Online Holding Tank in advance by the deadllne Sunday 5th January 2019.  Any team failing to meet the buyin (all 8 members) deadline will have their team entry offered to teams on the reserve list.

Any team that pays the full buyins (all 8 members) and has a last minute need to drop out will have their entry offered to the next team on the reserve list and whichever team takes up this option will have their buyins used to reimburse the team that had to drop out.

The UK Team Championship is an OPEN event - ie open to ANY poker player.

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to post on this thread or contact me personally by PM on APAT Website via HERE or via Facebook Messenger HERE.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 12:46:54 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
Twitter: TomBradyLPPL


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Re: 2020 UK Team Championship - Team Applications
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 19:56:28 PM »
Do we know when the Holding Tank will open and where to find it on Party Poker?
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: 2020 UK Team Championship - Team Applications
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2019, 16:23:35 PM »
Do we know when the Holding Tank will open and where to find it on Party Poker?

I'll be advising that, when details are known.
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
Twitter: TomBradyLPPL