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APAT Edinburgh Schedule - 14th-15th Mar 2020
« on: December 29, 2019, 09:32:27 AM »

APAT returns to the Genting Casino Fountain Park, Edinburgh to host the Scottish Amateur Poker Championship on Sat 14 and Sun 15 March 2020.

Questions/comments etc on the weekend of events should be sent by PM to myself via HERE or via Facebook Messenger HERE.


Genting Casino Fountain Park
Fountain Park
124 Dundee St
EH11 1AF

Tele: 0131 228 4446 (ask to be put through to the poker room)

Web: Genting Casino Fountain Park

The casino is open from 12:00 noon until 6am each day.  The poker room will be open from 13:30 on Saturday and from 12:00 noon on Sunday. 

APAT Weekend Schedule Of Events

Saturday 14th Mar 2020

14:30 Championship Event APAT Scottish Amateur Poker Championship (NLHE Freezeout) Day 1 £75+£15 with 40k stack on 40 mins clock (20 mins HU) and Late Entry to the start of Level 10.  Deals not facilitated.  The top three finishers will receive the coveted APAT National Championship Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

20:00 NLHE Re-entry £33+£7 with 15k stack on 20 mins clock with one hour late entry.  Deals facilitated.

Sunday 15th Mar 2020

12:30 Championship Event APAT Scottish Amateur Poker Championship Day 2

14:00 R.O.E. (NLHE/PLO) Re-entry £33+£7 with 25k stack on 30/20 mins clock with two hours late entry.  Deals facilitated.


Reserve a seat for the CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT via APAT Eventbrite HERE which will close when all allocated seats are reserved or at 21:00 on Fri 13th Mar latest. 

Clarification on the APAT Eventbrite facility is available HERE, and ALL players who reserve a seat must register in person, and pay the FULL buy-in and reg fee, at the venue poker room cash desk AT THE LATEST 30 MINUTES BEFORE THE EVENT START TIME - otherwise the seat will be freed up AT THIS TIME.

Buy in in advance - Log into the Party Poker software and search on 'APAT' and buy into the Edinburgh Online Holding Tank which will close on Thurs 12th Mar at 9pm (and this is the date/time that is showing for the event in the Party Poker lobby - obviously the event doesn't actually start then!)  If you need, register for an account with Party Poker to pay the full buyin in advance.

ALL players bought-in in advance of the start time, either via the APAT/Party Poker Online Holding tank or via APAT (eg Online Satellite token/Added Value) or in person in the venue, will have their chips put into play at the start of the event and, if not seated, will be blinded out from the start - you DO NOT need to register in the venue prior to the event start - APAT will provide your name to the venue and register you into the event - so just turn up and take your seat (even if late arriving).


On The Day

Players can buy-in at the venue for available seats on a first-come-first basis from 1 hour prior to each event.

Players who have registered for an event before the end of the late entry period, but are placed on the Alternates List, will be offered a seat as it becomes available.

You are advised to turn up well in advance to complete event registration, including allowing time to join as a member if needed. 

Players may leave the venue after registering for an event but we encourage you to be back and seated by 5 minutes prior to the event advertised start time.  However, it is not obligatory to be in your seat at the start of the events and, if not, chips will be put into play, and remain in play, and you will be blinded out.

Championship Event Structure

   Start      Clock      End      Level      SB      BB      BB Ante         
   14:30      00:40      15:10      1      100      100               
   15:10      00:40      15:50      2      100      200               
   15:50      00:40      16:30      3      100      200      200         
   16:30      00:20      16:50                              20 min break   
   16:50      00:40      17:30      4      200      400      400         
   17:30      00:40      18:10      5      300      600      600         
   18:10      00:40      18:50      6      400      800      800         
   18:50      00:40      19:30                              40 min dinner break   
   19:30      00:40      20:10      7      500      1000      1000         
   20:10      00:40      20:50      8      600      1200      1200         
   20:50      00:40      21:30      9      800      1600      1600         
   21:30      00:20      21:50                              20 min break / end of late reg   
   21:50      00:40      22:30      10      1000      2000      2000         
   22:30      00:40      23:10      11      1000      3000      3000         
   23:10      00:40      23:50      12      2000      4000      4000         
                     END      DAY      ONE               
   12:30      00:40      13:10      13      2000      5000      5000         
   13:10      00:40      13:50      14      3000      6000      6000         
   13:50      00:40      14:30      15      4000      8000      8000         
   14:30      00:20      14:50                              20 min break   
   14:50      00:40      15:30      16      5000      10000      10000         
   15:30      00:40      16:10      17      6000      12000      12000         
   16:10      00:40      16:50      18      8000      16000      16000         
   16:50      00:40      17:30                              40 min dinner break   
   17:30      00:40      18:10      19      10000      20000      20000      (further break aimed for FT)   
   18:10      00:40      18:50      20      15000      30000      30000         
   18:50      00:40      19:30      21      20000      40000      40000         
   19:30      00:40      20:10      22      30000      60000      60000         
   20:10      00:40      20:50      23      40000      80000      80000         
   20:50      00:40      21:30      24      60000      120000      120000         
   21:30      00:40      22:10      25      80000      160000      160000         
   22:10      00:40      22:50      26      100000      200000      200000         
   22:50      00:40      23:30      27      150000      300000      300000      (estimated complation)   

Live Updates

Photos, updates at each break, and a Final Table update will be run via the APAT Facebook Group on the Championship Event.

Terms and Conditions

Please note the event is subject to the terms & conditions of the Amateur Poker Association & Tour.

All events are subject to APAT/Venue discretion on the day, and structures/levels may be altered and timings changed if viewed in the best interests of the event.

Finally As a member of the Amateur Poker Association and Tour, we would like you to be aware of your expected role in our collective responsibility to ensure that the weekend is memorable and enjoyable for not only every participant - but for everyone involved within the venue.  We would appreciate you doing your bit to ensure that everyone comes away having had the best possible poker experience with APAT.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 00:45:14 AM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
Twitter: TomBradyLPPL


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Re: APAT Edinburgh Schedule - 14th-15th Mar 2020
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2020, 22:29:45 PM »
I assume this is still going corona cancellations?


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Re: APAT Edinburgh Schedule - 14th-15th Mar 2020
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2020, 00:03:48 AM »
I assume this is still going corona cancellations?

Corona what?

I can confirm full steam ahead for Edinburgh... :)
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
Twitter: TomBradyLPPL