Seat 1 - Paul Phillips
Seat 2 - Ryan Kilbey
Seat 3 - JP Round
Seat 4 - Matt Dale
Seat 5 - Gary Roberts
Seat 6 - Tom Clark
Seat 8 - Dave Kingswell
Level 26, blinds 120k/120k/120k, ave 2m
Matt raises to 450k and Dave calls.
Dave checks the

flop and Matt bets 1.2m
Dave folds instantly.
Ryan ships the small and JP folds.
Gary ships from under the gun and wins the hand.
Tom, under the gun, raises it to 280k and the rest let it go.
Matt, on the button, makes it 445k and the blinds fold.
It folds to Matt who raises it to 530k
Tom moves all in over the top.
Matt asks for a count but decides to call before it is done.

for Matt
Tom has

Tom doubles up.

Matt raises to 440k
It folds to Ryan, he thinks for a moment before using a time card. Eventually, he folds.
Matt makes it 500k and wins the pot.
Tom is all in and the rest fold.
Dave this time, all in for 850k.
Ryan uses another time card before folding.
The rest fold quickly and Dave wins the pot.
Ryan raises and wins the hand.
JP is all in from early position for around 700k.
Tom re ships over the top from the small.
Dave folds
Tom shows

JP has

JP finishes in 6th place for £350.