Author Topic: What's worse than the usual bad beat??  (Read 1822 times)

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What's worse than the usual bad beat??
« on: November 01, 2008, 10:59:31 AM »
....having the bad beat shown to everyone on TV!

Playing The Open on Sky last night. Down to last 30, and with 1.5M chips in play, I had 300k..... ie one fifth of all the chips in play. Second place had just over 100k - hence I had treble the stack of my nearest rival.

Played a few hands and second place moved up to 190k, whilst I stayed around the 300k mark.....then IT happened!!

Blinds are 8k/16k, and I"m UTG with AA. I min raise trying attract a re-raise shove from one of the short stacks.... alll folds round to the SB who happens to be the guy with 190k - the only person in the tourney who can hurt me at this stage.  He flat calls.

Flop dealt KJ4 rainbow - villain (SB) checks, I lead out 28k into the 40k pot. villain min raises to 56k, and I figure there"s enough in the pot to stop this hand now. If he has KJ or a flopped set, c"est la vie..... I shove all in. He calls and shows AK - Happy Days - he"s down to 2 outs!  The pot is around 400k, and with the 100k I have left behind, I will have one third of the chips in play with over 20 players left.

Turn......... frikkin K!  

I"ve had worse beats (much worse), but the size of my stack, the situation, and the missed certainty of reaching final table made it feel worse.  I was already planning what to do with the £1920 first prize!  

Managed to calm down a bit and play poker for a few mins with the 100k I had left..... when the hand appeared on TV. Watched it again - the steam came back, and I was out next hand getting silly with rags :(

10th place for £80 and gutted.


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Re: What's worse than the usual bad beat??
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 11:08:43 AM »
That was cruel, one of those hands where neither of you did anything wrong IMHO-- very very unlucky -- gotta love this game of ours


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Re: What's worse than the usual bad beat??
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 17:13:58 PM »
A kick in the nuts and no mistake >:(
A couple of deep breaths and get stuck right back in there ;)
Remember.....its just a game!!!!