Hi fellow APATer"s, we"ve recently launched a Poker Forum for those out in the wild"s of North Norfolk, at
www.northnorfolkpokerforum.com for all the locals that enjoy a game, which to be fair is generally played in the APAT spirit, if not the APAT standard and we have recently been challenged by a Poker Forum in Suffolk to a team and individual event.
Would any other Forums be interested in taking part in what we would hope would be a fun event, held at a local poker room, probably in Norwich?
Final details are yet to be ironed out, including buy ins and duration etc but it would probably be self dealt on a deepstack basis and depending on numbers could be run over one or two days.
If anyone is interested, please let us know your contact details and we can keep you informed of developments.
Likewise, if any other forums are looking for a team to take part in their event, let us know, as we are always up for a weekend away.
Andy CB