The first of a series of monthly events that make up the newly-formed Black Country Poker Club, was played out on Friday November 14th at the New Talbot in West Bromwich.
A few of the expected participants failed to materialise but we kicked off with 10 players, meaning that everyone would be scoring points in the first week of the season and with a £550 buy-in as the Club representative to a GCBPT event in early 2009 as the prize at the season"s end, scoring early was a must.
After a cagey start with very few hands of note, we lost our first few players before I went out in 7th place when I called Steve Redfern"s (AMRN) raise with

: :

with my

and when he turned a set it was bye bye BOING !!
Then came the first of 3 car-crash hands of the night......ALL of which would have made great TV !
Tony Trippier doubled up with :as:

when Paul Foy turned a flush with his
on a board of ac jc

but Tony rivered the House when the

fell on the river.
We then had a push by Chris Baker (Clynd99) with
qc jh
that was called by Matt McKinlay (MattBlue1) for his tourney with

before another all-in from Paul Foy with the monster that is
ac :as:
Flop came

turn was
jd to give Chris his two-pair.....
and when the river blanked, both Paul and Matt were out !
Down to 3 handed with all 3 players being APAT members and then we saw the hand of the night.
Chris gets it all-in with td tc
and gets a call from Tony holding

Flop comes


....which has Chris whoop-whooping with delight.....
...meaning that Tony"s only chances to win are either for the other 2 fours to hit to give him quads, or to see runner-runner aces for a full house.
well the turn was the ac.....followed by a river of the ah to put a devastated Chris out in 3rd spot with £20 and 10 Lerague points.
Heads-up was over pretty quickly and Steve Redfern ended up winning the £50 1st prize but more importantly, the 15 points that puts him at the head of the leaderboard.
Tony Trippier took £30 for 2nd place and 12 points, but having already won the afternoon tourney at Walsall for £300, he wasn"t too downhearted.
The next session will take place at the same venue on Friday December 12th, starting at 7.45pm and everyone wishing to take part will be made welcome, though please try to get in touch with me first if possible.