Author Topic: Chezger hits vegas  (Read 33473 times)

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Re: Chezger hits vegas
« Reply #120 on: November 19, 2008, 18:45:14 PM »
Thursday 7th November 2008

Went to bed at stupid o"clock after a few 1 buck orange juices and woke up with a surprising ache below the cranium and in front of the forehead. Decided to try and continue the Chezger tradition of cashing in the first tourney played in Vegas and went into the PH $70 freezout. It attracts about 30 runners at 10am..

Sat down "drinks, cocktails" said the rather disappointing valet.

My Head "Orange Juice"
My Mouth "Coors light please" FML

Third hand in I find AA in mid positon - raise $200 (25/50 level) two callers to my left. flop 6 9 4 rainbow. I am first to act bet $400, 1st left folds 2nd left calls. Turn  2.

--- hmmmm  -- surely no danger -- hmmmm -- bet $600, 2nd left calls.
river 7

hmmm -- scardy pants here checks, 2nd left bets $500, I gotta know what he called my pre with -- just gotta, I say as much, (starting stack 4.5k soooooooooo) I call

he of course turns 10 8 for the straight

My Head; "FFS ok one gapper pre if that floats your boat-- but gut shot post flop with no flush draw?"
My Mouth; "nice"

Meanwhile Dan350 has re entered (you can re enter the tourney for the full amount if you go busto)

2nd left "Could have milked you for more"
My head "keep talking mr 10 8 caller and gut shot caller"
My Mouth "yeah you"re right sir"

Meanwhile Dan350 has re entered (not running so hot today)

I duck and dive and make the final table whilst 2nd left matey boy goes out with two tables left (wasn"t me but I was raising his BB every time before I was moved)

I go card dead -- make a move whilst just under 9BB and run 99 into KK -- so the spell is broken no cash.

We play the two o"clock and I cash in that (8 way chop FFS , but hey I was low)

Bigfella arrives and we saunter over to TI for the headhunter, and I am afraid that is a bit of a blur except for the exceptional way I conducted myself in the face of some risque comments. I was proud of myself and got no penalties  ;D

Went back to the IP and played 3 card poker and ended up $300 -- not a bad days work and beer at a buck a bottle -- get in !!!!

n.b. All comments about the shiite way I played AA will of course be ignored  ;D ;D



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Re: Chezger hits vegas
« Reply #121 on: November 23, 2008, 19:08:57 PM »