Author Topic: Sorting through the mountain of information  (Read 3663 times)

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Sorting through the mountain of information
« on: December 01, 2008, 21:06:10 PM »
Although I"ve been involved in poker for a couple of years and should by now have an idea as to which sites, blogs, forums etc to view and particpate in regularly, I just find the whole process gets more confusing every day. Ever more blogs are available, the number of sites both to play on and access information are growing almost hourly. This in itself should be great news but it"s not possible, unless you"ve endless time on your hands, to view all these sites. I have reached a stage now where I want to access all available information on poker and feel I"m missing out if I don"t read everything that"s going! It may seem a niave question, but nevertheless one which may be of concern to others - how do you sift through the mountain of information available from hundreds of sites, blogs and forums???????? It is too easy to say pick a site and stick to it, but then you may miss good information from other areas. Alternatively, to try to access all information available from where ever is totally mind blowing.  Any body any suggestions??   :-\


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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 22:51:16 PM »
IMHO  dont try to get all the information at once....

you will find you will loose the plot quickly.  what i tend to do is search for a specific point of interest at that time and check a few different points of view on that subject...  i dont have a blog as i am no use at putting things down on paper as such.......

but if i have something to question or find the urge to search out a point of view to a specific thing.. i then go looking for answers on that issue

hope this helps somewhat..

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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 23:54:33 PM »
Too much info is as bad as too little

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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2008, 00:01:18 AM »
set yourselve objectives in area"s that you want to fine tune. takes a little while to balance but try to read whilst you play.
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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2008, 03:50:59 AM »

set yourselve objectives in area"s that you want to fine tune. takes a little while to balance but try to read whilst you play.

As Toppietwo says all you have to do is ask yourself why you want this information?
Are you unhappy with your game and want to improve?

If you want info on books or training sites just pop the question in as many forums as you can and try to get a general feel for the ones that most advise.

As for sites to read about poker just google away one afternoon and surf and bookmark the ones you would like to go back to.

Here are a few that i look at if this helps you -
2+2 , pocket 5"s , poker junkie [i look at articles mainly] , ,
cardplayer magazine , Liquid poker , the poker [only because John Vorhaus posts there and the guy has a brilliant mind] and APAT of course  ;D


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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2008, 09:19:16 AM »
If you are looking for tournament information (freerolls, added value etc) best site I have found is Punters Lounge [link edited - mod].

They add a thread for each day and list the best (added value and freerolls) of each day.  These include their own promotional games, which you have to sign up for, but also PokerPlayer/InsidePoker games (not passwords).

This has proved invaluable to me and saved me missing many a game.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 10:30:26 AM by APAT »


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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2008, 11:47:57 AM »
Prior to joining APAT I was an information junkie - I have the poker bookcase to prove it. Since playing in APAT tournaments both live and online, I have discovered that the best information comes simply from playing and observing other players.  No book would tell you to fold AA on a King high flop, but I did in my first APAT tournament, because of the information the other players were giving me, and I went on to win that tournament.

Then you learn that you have to control the information you give about yourself to other players, and then you learn that you win when your opponent believes the mis-information that you give him.

I haven"t bought a poker book in the last 12 months, and I"m considering not re-newing my PokerPlayer subscription.
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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2008, 12:35:57 PM »
Interesting, I have had a discussion with Noble, re thinking things through to much and over complicating the game, when playing using basic principals and feel, intuition, reads, what ever you want to call it, can work out very profitable for many players.
Having said that I still love to read strategy info.  ???
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« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 14:32:39 PM by noble1 »


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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2008, 15:56:44 PM »
I must have missed that post, very enjoyable read as usual. ;)
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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2008, 18:50:43 PM »
Cheers guys for your advice - all pretty relevant stuff! One essential thing from your comments appears to be not to get too bogged down with info to the extent that it"s stifling your play - a common problem I dare say, when you want to be the best! Relax more, not only play your own way but develop your own style, which can only be done by plenty of play. Seek info as you need it and not just to fill your mind with just one more poker "idea". At the end of the day no hands play themselves the same way twice, even with the same cards from the same position.

Good info, thanks again and for the site info noble1


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Re: Sorting through the mountain of information
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2008, 19:50:47 PM »
I read here, at 2+2 and at Cardplayer online, and I"ve bookmarked several sites which I come back to time after time.  My bookshelf also groans under the weight of various offerings, but I like to get playing most of all.  Reading a book about learning a language is fine, but it"s by speaking it that you understand all those concepts.

I like to set myself monthly goals (play x many hands, read this book, study PLO postflop play) - at least then I have a plan, and know what information to go hunting for.  Otherwise, as you say, there"s too much information out there...
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