This game is so annoying some times, oh yeah ill pay my bad beat donation Neil!! blinds 30/60
Reraise in 2nd position too 420 from 1st position raise 120 short stack pushed for 410, small blind calls, first position raiser folds I hold :as: ah.
Flops qh


Small blind bets 600, I think ill just take it down here of get big double up i push for 2600 more, snap called by ts tc, turn kc oh yeah and the perfect td on the river.
Is this a bad call? or is it just I guess they where getting like 2:1 on their money but what where they expecting to beat the way that hand played out!?? I asked the guy and they just said I was preying u where weak! sometimes I just dont know!
I give up! well till tommorrow anyway.
ill never sleep now.