After much last minute behind the scenes negotiations, okay he offered

, we will have a bounty at this evenings Mini League game.
Many thanks to Dafydd "Jizzemm" Jones for stepping into the breach, and don"t worry, you still get to go after Scouse on Saturday.

Dafydd has taken a bit of a break from poker recently, so this is his first APAT game back for a while. Obviously, that does not give him any excuses,so it"s open season for you to re-raise any raises he makes and crush his play at every opportunity.

His Blue Square username is "nhGGwp"
He"s got some game though, scoring 26 points in season two online series and final tabling 6 times. Be warned !!!!!!!!!!
If you win the hand that knocks him out, post on this thread to claim your prize of a 300 piece chipset.
Good luck and thanks Dafydd.