Author Topic: Taking a self imposed break for a few weeks  (Read 2040 times)

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Taking a self imposed break for a few weeks
« on: December 11, 2008, 14:42:40 PM »
basically had a few suckouts and no matter what i do i cant get the rub of the green

the straw that broke for me was on a bubble of a 30 man SnG and sittin on the BB with jacks, after its folded round to the SB he calls, i raise, SB calls all in so  calls (and after a read for a few orbits i know feel he just blind stealing as he"s shown a couple of bluffs recently)

he flips a 2,6 offsuit and catches running 6"s to all but knockknock me out as im down to less than a SB

couple of other badbeat stories over the last few days like my AK against A9 that rivers me and my 2 pair that gets counterfited by 2 running 3"s on the turn and river that saw my bankroll diminish so im taking stock, stuck a self inclusion ban on the site i play on (virgin), reload in the new year and start again

also stuck a deposit limit on my accounts on other sites as well so i cant deposit anymore for over a month

of course theres always the local tourneys at the casino  ;)


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Re: Taking a self imposed break for a few weeks
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 15:25:41 PM »
some of them "beats" you really have to get used to and just be happy u got your money in good..   and the 6,2 well ouch lol

if you need to put a cap on your deposits i would seriously consider dropping down a level, dont take that as an insult most players do it at some point,

a break sounds like a great idea, but why not read a few books on the game, read blogs online to get a feel of how the top players think... maybe that sounds rubbish but its an interesting and gives u a good feel to it...

take a break its a good idea, but if ur coming back come back stronger.
The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice is so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil.


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Re: Taking a self imposed break for a few weeks
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 16:14:07 PM »
i do read blogs, subscribed to a few podcasts, read magazines and am currently re-reading harrington on hold em and order a few more for the wife to give me as xmas presents

dropped down the levels too - started at $3 sng was succesful and worked up and playing up to $10 and $20 sng"s and was doing well and making a decent ROI (about 25%) and profit of a few hundred but after a downswing and unable to find the breaks i found myself back at the $3 games

problem i seem to find is that at the lower levels, i personally think that other players seem to think of the game as more of a gamble as the buy ins are so low - i seem to have more success at the higher buy ins $10/15/20 but couldnt susstain that level for my bankroll and had to drop

i know poker is an imperfect game and there is no right or wrong way to play but i do think in a hellmuth way to a certain degree and ask myself what kind of player (again, usaully at lower buy ins) would risk all his chips and 15BB"s with a 7,8 suited after a raise and call before him and ends up winning and i get sucked out on - again


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Re: Taking a self imposed break for a few weeks
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2008, 16:51:58 PM »
u want them idiots in there with the 78 suited, even if u lose u win some "slansky dollars", try slanskys theory of poker its a good insight, i wouldnt reread harrington i would read a different book to get another angle..... although slansky is prob even tighter lol... but his books are fantastic, and i dont care what people say about suupersystem been outdated its still a great all round poker book and is still a must read for any poker player mix it in your game keep people guessing

i agree with the lower buy ins been crap, but just play ur A-game and even when u lose as long as ur playing correctly you are winning, try to calm the tilt after a bad beat... you want them guys to play them cards... after all if there were no donkeys there would be no online games worth playing.
The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice is so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil.


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Re: Taking a self imposed break for a few weeks
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2008, 17:53:12 PM »
You might want to take a look at The Poker Mindset by Matthew Hilger as well.  He calls it the second most important poker book you"ll read - it puts suckouts and goodness knows what else into perspective and puts forward that poker is a game of the l o n g   t e r m.  For me, SNGs take too long to get to the "long term", and those suckouts are too frustrating.  At least in a cash game, the next hand is only 30 seconds away.

FWIW had AA 3 times, KK, QQ 3 times and JJ twice today - all but two were cracked on the river.  But yesterday, I had my best ever session!  Strange game!

I think success lies in taking the rough with the smooth...

...good luck!
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.