Author Topic: Tournaments Or Cash?  (Read 2450 times)

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Tournaments Or Cash?
« on: December 10, 2008, 18:00:30 PM »
I heard the Following Quote today whilst watching the PPT Commerce on Poker tube

Dennis Waterman 4th PPt final Table

"I prefer playing Tournaments (as oppossed to cash) because there is an emotional inensity in tournament play that is unsurpassed"

I tend to Agree with him, I know that most players who take the game seriously, make most of their profits playing cash at their respective levels, but waterman is right when he says that the rush of (Live) Tourny Play cannot be created in Cash.

Cash is the purest form of Poker (more Skilfull? maybe?) as the games are Deep and the Blinds Dont go up, but it can be pretty boring IMO and Paticence is the Key, this in my opinion being the biggest differance to Tournys, where survival and chip accumulation is the key.

This is where the emotional rollercoaster starts to begin, right from the start there can be only 1 winner, the clock is ticking and there is pressure - which in turn = Emotions - right from the off. Those same pressures just cannot be found in Cash.

That is why i play tournys and will always prefer to play them (live) over cash! ;D

any thoughts?

P.S I am a Fish!!! :o
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Re: Tournaments Or Cash?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 20:37:25 PM »
I much prefer tourneys, but play a lot more cash, how weird is that! I end up playing more cash cos I can,t devote enough time to play the better tournaments, I really enjoy the deep stacked longer tournaments and they suit my game better, but don"t play "em any where near as often as I would like. The single table SNGs are quite good fun and are usually over in an hour, but they quickly become push or fold fests, so when I fire up the Lap top I tend to end up playing cash for an hour or so, this can be profitable but at the levels I play 25c\ 50c maximum you can take some horrendous suck outs, and at the moment I am in the middle of an awful down swing. Last night was in late position with pair kings there was a raise and a call before me  reraised 3 x the orig raiser, and had two callers. King on the flop but two spades.... you can guess the river, the guy had called a raise and reraise with 3 5 spades from early position!! Oh sorry this has turned into a BBS :"(
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Re: Tournaments Or Cash?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 21:29:48 PM »
Play cash most of the time, but do like deeper stack tournaments that allow a lot of play. 

I find fast MTTs or STTs the least enjoyable.  Of course, a Tighty SNG is an exception to this.
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Re: Tournaments Or Cash?
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2008, 23:37:55 PM »
I play mainly cash, but have had a few final tables in small online tourneys - 3rd out of 619 was my best, I think.  My hourly rate is way better at cash anyway, and I rarely have time give up a few hours to a tourney, but I do enjoy them.

The thinking is entirely different, and, yes, the emotional investment is much higher in a tourney because one serious error can take you out and the bubble must surely be the loneliest place in poker (or going down to a one-outer, maybe!).

While I build up my bankroll, though, it"s cash for me - once I hit a certain level I"ll probably play a tourney a week and see how things go, but I view tourney money as a bonus, and ring game money as the earn...
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