Not the way i"d play TT with 8.75bb left,but you know that now it was a shove or fold situation so enough said.
as played though AK re-raise is ok??? Mathematically to make it correct he has to think you have no pair or no piece of the flop what so ever.
blinds 400/800 no antes ?
villian bets - 2400
you call - 1600
pot - 5200
you had 7000 called 1600 leaving 5400 back
you lead out 2000 [3400 left]
villian re-raises putting you all in,so basically he is risking 5400 to win 10600 with 2 cards to come with Ace high.
That is odds of 1.96 to 1 , equity wise %33.78
So what is AK beating to make the shove correct maths wise -


AcKd - 73.131%
AQs+,ATs,A8s,A6s-A2s,KQs,KTs,QTs,T6s,86s,AQo+,ATo,A8o,A6o-A2o,KQo,KTo,QTo,T6o,86o - 29.419%
a fairly broad range of hands that have missed the flop,but if we add any hand to this range that has hit the flop -
AcKd - 34.636%
J2o+,T6o+,92o+,86o+,72o+ - 65.364%
if villian figures that you have a pair of sorts,a piece of the flop or flopped the straight which by the way all combined is
48% of all possible hands , what will the figures look like -
AcKd - 21.535%
KJo,K9o,K7o,QJo,Q9o,Q7o,J2o+,T7o+,92o+,86o+,72o+ -
78.465%What does everyone think about the AK re-raise now , who is for? who is against?
2. but also (going by theory books) you maybe shouldve check raised all-in and that tells him that you have a made hand
he definitely would price AK in if he [wazz] check raised all in, as played by villian it is rather debatable about shoving AK to a lead out from wazz..