That bad beat actually cost us 1 point too which was doubly sick.
Jo asked me to point out she"s sorry she cost the "team" 1 point
We all need to work on improving our number of players if we gonna have a chance but still a LONG way to go.
And a grand total of 2 players from the team sat down last night, probs coz of the GUKPT. I"d love to play these but we can only connect 1 comp to t"internet
Both Heads down, swing easy. GLGLGL
They both did and played very well, , good game Dave getting 4th place, knew it was at least 1 point for the team when it was down to 4 left, and congrats to Jo for winning it clinching 10 pts and 3 pts for the team (cup of tea waiting when you get in)

Overall good game, finished about 12.30 am, wp all and we enjoyed the railing banter for the other teams. Am not a pro updater but i thought i"d post one anyway