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Name: Mark JonesAPAT: Joe171Betfair: Markjones171
name - Steve ForsterAPAT - sdforBetfair - S4STARThanks
Two for you Ger;Name: Adam SharplesAPAT: sharplea Betfair: sharpleaName: Julie HolnessAPAT: joobie538Betfair: j00bie538 (I think, but something along those lines!)Will start playing when we can get funds online mate.
Quote from: joe171 on March 28, 2010, 19:12:34 PMName: Mark JonesAPAT: Joe171Betfair: Markjones171are you joechester on betfairDuke. Sorry about the cock-up with membership details! I"ve now ammended this. Hope this is Ok.Any probs give me a shout.Joe(Mark)
Ok Liverpool again lads.Name: Gerard SmythAPAT: Duke3016BetFair: Duke9999
Quote from: duke3016 on February 20, 2010, 18:28:25 PMOk Liverpool again lads.Name: Gerard SmythAPAT: Duke3016BetFair: Duke9999Name Neil Allanapat Bigfella 1975betfair Bigneil
ah :as:hi looking to join i have registered on this site as ScouserNo1 my name is john rossi and i dont have a betfair account could some1 please point me in the right direction i am a decent player and play live tournemants twice a week at leos and circus often make the final table and want to fly the flag for liverpool on here and keep the walsall boys quiet any help appreciated cheers
Please post your full name and Betfair Poker Alias here if you wish to represent Liverpool Poker Club in the Online National League.Where possible, try to choose the club most local to you for the season.Once registered for a Poker Club you are unable to change clubs during the season.Many thanks, IanCurrent Member ListForum ID Name Betfair Poker AliasEl Kidda Andy Kingan TeleMech9jedgell Jamie Edgell jimmy6914Duke3016 Gerard Smyth Duke9999ruova16b4ifu Domenico Farelli *billwillo Kevin Fleming kejasdfor Steve Forster ThreeLionsScouse3465 Steve Bayliff marmite3465dmx14uk2000 Stephen Kiely *mickb Michael Barton AA MB AAchillijam Dafydd Jones chillijamdestroyer316 Gerard Smyth destroyer16spudgun007 Mike Rainsford spudgun0077slider Andrew Bailey b52bombersharky_uk Mark Briggs sharky_ukracAA Richard Chambers *chomps777 Kevin Chambers *Cyntaf Paul Mcguinness Mongoose61Shogun112 Carl Lybert CookMySocksgtw1lko Adam Wilkinson *Bluffer Stephen Sass *Butch Stephen Jones *Atters Paul Atlee *Trademans Llyr Owen Jones WilfMilkBuck Pete Pete Rodgers *ToP14u Tony O"Prey *Teesey80 Anthony Teese *mikelott Michael Lott *fishyola Chris Roche *adoolan Alan Doolan *godthaab Roy Backhouse *themadcount Adrian Shone *harrybr Harry Briggs justcallmGlenbuck John Beard AcePepechip_chik Jayne Cowland *ks7829 Kev Stokes *luckyboy05 Tomas Humphreys *aristotle3 Thomas Massey *DRdrAA Daniel Rhodes *lidlid Stephen Murray KRAKATOWERStredd Ashley Stredder *IamTheKaiser Gerard McMahon *-TIB Terence Burns 97andAce5Digger Dave Davies Digger16Ricardo8143 Richard Kingston Ricardo8143Cannell555 Stewy Cannell StievrozzBlizzardzz Craig MacInnes Pantaradustyfinish Chris Taggart instantclasRedlionlad Christopher Kelly ckelly1Cunny Michael Cunningham Cundogdan350 Daniel Blythen dsb1ricflairandy Andrew Hawkins ricflairandyJoe171 Mark Jones joechesterado Jon Adamson adoSharplea Adam Sharples sharpleajoobie538 Julie Holness j00bie538bigfella1975 Neil Allen BigneilScouserNo1 John Rossi ??* * ** * *