Author Topic: was this a mistake??  (Read 3735 times)

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was this a mistake??
« on: December 20, 2008, 11:54:45 AM »
Last night played $30 on titan 310 runners, was second in chips and ran kings into trip queen. was playing pretty solid, trying to get rid of my bored manic which appears in online tourney.

So few hands later 42 players left with 40 getting paid.  Mid sack raises 3 times blind to 4800, they are in cut off position 2 short stacks  on right fold. Me in big blind had  9s 9c. I think for a while I could fold get a cash and go to bed or push and you never know. I though guy may have been making play at short stacks trying to cash.
So I eventitaly decide to push they have qs qh im out 41st place bubble boy. NICE FEELING! lol

I was wondering what use guys would have done in that spot???

Though I would give this blogging a shot!!


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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 12:30:34 PM »
For me depends what the payout was, after playing for however long it is nice to pick something up, and you were so close to the bubble. But it is difficilt to say cos you don"t say how well stacked are otherwise you were. If you short then I would push, if I am healthy then I might just call and see what transpires.
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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2008, 12:38:24 PM »
basically fella do you wanna cash or win ?
And also did he have history of stealing or was he a rock ?
also chip counts blinds etc?


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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2008, 12:51:53 PM »
I wanted to win usual top 10 pay outs where good!! i had just under 15000, opponent had around 32000, blinds where 800 and 16000.

The guy was pretty lose, he re-raised my re-raise with  :as: 9d   ealyer in tourney when I had aces, he lucked out quite a few times against players, so he could have had a wide range of hands.

40th place only got $54 dollars for your $30 but if you win was $2700. The top 10 payout was decent.

I guess it prob was right move but as micky said it would have been nice to get some sort of return after playing for few hours, I guess I can take that if it play solid like that again and not get bored I will make some decent cashes.
Though I would give this blogging a shot!!


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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2008, 13:05:59 PM »
you are pretty much getting called if you shove, so you are flipping at best against most oponents and possibly dominating this guy with smaller PPs and A x seeming to be in his range here. You only had 10BBs so shove is fine here. Call is only good if you shove on any flop (he may fold his QQ on a A hi board)

bubble is immaterial because you play FTW and limping into the cash in these tourneys will be unprofitable in the long run.
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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2008, 13:40:22 PM »
Together with just over 9bb in the big blind your read on villian,you pretty much know
that he is going to call,the pot size together with the antes? is 2 to 1 so a wide range is priced in to call here.
42 players left on the bubble with a loose player easily playing the top 15% of hands
77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QJo means you are in a flip.
Not a bad situation to double up,the result i feel has disillusioned you,but dont let it.
Whatever you have done to get this deep,keep it up.You will cash 50% of the time in this situation which leaves you a stack of 21bb ish and then you have a stack to try to go deeper with.
If you limp into the money you find it very difficult with a stack of 8bb or less to double up twice and then have a chance of winning.

keep it up,you played this fine.

If you had some tight scared players to your left,i met of folded [big met] and then stolen there blinds and the antes in later hands..


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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2008, 13:48:13 PM »
Thanks, yeah i agree.

I believe last night has taught me to shake of my demons in online poker i.e not getting distracted or bored. i tended to watch tv ect when playing but found I would start to make bad plays over the last few months because of it.

I need to get back that focuse I used to have when I was getting decent results.
Though I would give this blogging a shot!!


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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2008, 17:55:01 PM »

I need to get back that focuse I used to have when I was getting decent results.

BLADE: "Use it."

           BLADE (CONT"D) (more firmly) Use it.

           BLADE (CONT"D) (quite rudely)   USE IT!!

Lol ummm.... I"ve been dying to qoute Blade for sometime. Perfect oppotunity!

Okay back to the real world, haha, anyway I know where your coming regarding distractions. Found them a nightmire for my game play, creating new leaks and just being damn annoying.

I now say use them, factor them into your online tournement play, specially the long hauls. When you feel like being distracted tighten your range up for a little bit. When you feel like concentrating loosen up, its always nice to fit an episode of hero"s in whilst your only going to play top 3 hands for 45mins or until the antes kick in or reach that level when you know want to turn it on.

Wld much rather get distracted like this and control it to my advantage instead of making half hearted decisions.
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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2008, 14:43:08 PM »
Nothing wrong with your play mate, I woulda done the same. With 9 BBs I"m happy to flip with 99 - You don"t really wanna just scrape into the money when it isnt even double what you paid to enter (fair enough if it"s like 2.5x or more) unless you were playing outside your bankroll and the min cash would help your roll.

He COULD have been trying to steal and might"ve folded if he had air, if he did call light though i"m happy to race - and if he turns up with a genuine hand, then bad luck - better luck next time. I"d rather try double up and be in a better position to go deep than fold into the money, leave myself with an unplayable stack then get annoyed with myself when I get no hands and have to ship it in with any two.
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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 13:19:21 PM »
What are people"s thoughts on a stop "n" go (call and then shove any flop - unless you hit set) in this spot?  It"s something I"ve been trying to mix in more with varied success.

Given this specific situation I don"t think you take him off QQ unless the board comes AKx (and even then it"s 50/50) since he"s getting 2:1 and it looks like you"ve called to shove any flop (which you have).  However you do take him off a lot of hands in his range that miss the flop a majority of the time e.g. Ax, QJ etc.  The upside is obviously that you essentially only have to dodge 3 cards so you survive a higher % of the time.  On the flipside the pot you take down is smaller, assuming he only calls if you"re behind you either bust or finish on about 25k.

What does everyone think?


P.s. Hi everyone, I think this is my 1st post on here.  Played a couple of the events last year (Cardiff and Vic) I"d have been the one in the silly green "flowerpot" hat :-p


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Re: was this a mistake??
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2008, 15:50:57 PM »

What are people"s thoughts on a stop "n" go (call and then shove any flop - unless you hit set) in this spot?  It"s something I"ve been trying to mix in more with varied success.

Given this specific situation I don"t think you take him off QQ unless the board comes AKx (and even then it"s 50/50) since he"s getting 2:1 and it looks like you"ve called to shove any flop (which you have).  However you do take him off a lot of hands in his range that miss the flop a majority of the time e.g. Ax, QJ etc.  The upside is obviously that you essentially only have to dodge 3 cards so you survive a higher % of the time.  On the flipside the pot you take down is smaller, assuming he only calls if you"re behind you either bust or finish on about 25k.

What does everyone think?


P.s. Hi everyone, I think this is my 1st post on here.  Played a couple of the events last year (Cardiff and Vic) I"d have been the one in the silly green "flowerpot" hat :-p

in this spot tony because THEGUY84 only has 9bb left against a lucy gucy i think it is better to choose shove or fold, Guys stack is to shallow to smooth call here and
he wont have enough to force villain to fold on the flop imo.

congrats on 1st post flowerpot  ;D