Author Topic: kevin saul pca 2009  (Read 2930 times)

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kevin saul pca 2009
« on: January 10, 2009, 03:22:57 AM »
is anyone up watching this live? because wowser kev saul just made 1 hell of a call.

Kevin Saul just took the chip lead after calling down Benny Spindler with a pair of sevens on a board reading 10-10-2-K-A. Spindler could only show queen high 8 kicker and Saul raked in the 2.6 million pot.
Spindler checked the flop and then from the sb led out on the turn with a 1/2 pot bet then led again 1/3 pot on the river which if called would cripple Saul,he thought about it for 2 minutes then called  :o spindler instantly says good call and mucks before kev even shows lmao but kev asked to see his hand lol lol...

gr8888888 poker  ;D


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Re: kevin saul pca 2009
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 08:22:36 AM »

Rich, You must comment... your recollection of last Sunday is probably better than mine!

Steve Main... Kevin Saul... come to think of it I"ve never seen them both in the same room together?
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.


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Re: kevin saul pca 2009
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2009, 15:49:02 PM »


Rich, You must comment... your recollection of last Sunday is probably better than mine!

Steve Main... Kevin Saul... come to think of it I"ve never seen them both in the same room together?

Holy hero call batman!!!  Is it possible we"ve been underestimating stevie v.03 all this time?  Can it be that rather than playing poker like the off-spring of a glamour model and a village idiot he was actually just playing on a level beyond our own abilities?  

Suddenly it all makes sense.

Let"s look at the evidence:

With the blinds at 100/200 Stevie v.03 makes it 600 to go from the small blind after Tim Tim Nice But Dim had limped from middle position.

Big Blind folds, Tim TNBD makes the call.

On a flop of 9-9-5 Stevie v.03 bets 1,200 which Tim TNBD calls quickly.

The Turn brings the Jack of clubs putting two clubs on the board

Both players check

River card is the Ten of hearts

Stevie check, T TNBD makes it 1,200

Stevie tanks for a couple of minutes as this is for his tournament life, decides he wants to go and watch the darts anyway (this game was played last Sunday night) and calls showing 2-2.

T TNBD says nice call and mucks (he actually had 6-7 off-suit)

This only difference between this hand and the hand in the OP, is Stevie v.03"s justification for making the call.  I think his exact words were; "Well, I did want to go and watch the darts and I thought I was winning anyway with two pair."

Stevie wasn"t and has never been able to grasp that the pair of nines on the board was also available for Tim too and that had Tim had a pair higher than 2"s he would have been losing.  Stevie just sees that he has "two pair" and will bet his kidneys with it.

We went to great lengths to try and explain that when the board pairs, the bottom rung of the poker ladder becomes 1 pair rather than just a high card with no pair and he said he understood, but in fairness we still don"t feel like he did.  He was watching the darts soon after. 

« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 15:58:36 PM by WarBwastard »


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Re: kevin saul pca 2009
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2009, 19:10:01 PM »
LOL, that was always a pet hate of mine whenever he announced "I"ve got two pair". My heart used to sink until i realised there was a pair on the board and he had sod all.

To be fair though, you can knock his poker skills, but if it was a darts/poker biathlon type event with ten games of each, i know who my money would be on.